3)"A Baby Of Smiles And A Man Of Care"

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Stranger danger!

His parents would tell him that every time they go out for a walk into the city.

Don't talk to people you don't know or recognise.Trust your instincts when they say that the people you see are bad news.Find a safe place and wait until your dad or boo finds you.

But most importantly;Don't follow strangers when they promise you something.

And here he was;Michael following a stranger to their home,with a promise that he'd heal him.

But Michael liked to think this stranger was good.They didn't give off that uncomfortable and bad gut feeling he'd get when he sees people during his walk in the city,he was saved by this stranger,and they said they'd patch him up!

They even have a kid of their own!

A baby,Michale thinks.

As they walked through the forest,the hybrid boy continued to stare at those black and red eyes watching him with curiosity.He noticed how their tall ears twitched randomly.His own ears would twitch back in response.Michael thinks this baby is a girl,judging by their hair.

Maybe he could ask?

"Um...",he started,almost quietly.The stranger turned to him,half their body twisting to face him.Michael took note of their current appearance;their entire head covered by that hood of a ragged cloak they wore,a really and seemingly loose black sweater underneath—seeing how some threads were poking out and how it hung around his visible frame—and some joggers.

They also had this sling bag and he could tell it's not that filled.Maybe they went out to find resources when they heard him?It sounds plausible.He feels a little bad when he realised he interrupted their search.

"Yeah?Is there something wrong?",their voice was a little deep,maybe rough?It sounded gentle and calm too,almost concern.He noted how this stranger sounded like a male.

"I...um...",he hesitantly pointed towards the baby they—he—held in his arms,"...Is..Is she a girl?"

The hooded man glanced towards the girl before he nodded,humming."She's about two years old.",he added.He nudged his head to the side,"Let's keep going."

Michael was certainly satisfied by the answer and he obliged to the man's instructions.So she is a baby,he thinks,how cute.

After a few more minutes of walking and staring,Michael hears faint 'moos' and 'baaah' up ahead.The baby turned her head towards the sound as well,suddenly giggling as they neared the place.Her hands flailed in the air,filled with excitement.


The man chuckles,"That's right,kiddo!Its Henry."

They trudged through the trees and that's when Michael sees it;a cottage in a large clearing with a farm beside it.A decent sized pond sat right in front of the cottage,just by a window.Fences were placed and lanterns were hanged,though none of them were on as it was still daytime.

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