A/N important.

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Hi everyone...it's me.It's been...quite a while since I last updated.

I'm so so sorry it's taking a long while for the next chapter to come out,but I've been getting really stressed and busy with school and my personal life.Things in my household and family is getting complicated lately and it doesn't help that I've been trying to keep myself together.I've had a few breakdowns now and I just knew that was a sign I should take a break.

I had just received(well,more like overheard.I talked to my mother about it)some news from some relatives that one of my family member's has been hospitalised.My grandmother was crying about it.I was confused and anxious about it.And by the time I learned what happened,it just...sorta hit me,in a sense.

I'm taking a break from posting anything.

I will,however,continue to write(it's a coping mechanism at this point),but no posting.I don't think I can handle posting chapters and stories for a little while,not until I get my shit together.So until I things are...semi fine,I don't know,don't expect anything yeah?I'm sorry if you were waiting for the next chapter,it won't come for a little while.

It a little cruel too.It's almost Christmas and yet I feel like things are falling apart.I have so much planned for December,even a surprise for you all.But I guess that'll have to wait,which is a little disappointing.I won't lie to ya'll,I'm a little scared.I'm trying to push through it but who knows when I'll finally snap.Maybe even experience a genuine meltdown.

I'll come back though.That's something I can promise.I don't and would not like to leave any stories unfinished.It's something I promised myself when I first started writing.So don't worry,I'll get back to writing soon.Just not now.It'll take some time,but it'll be fine.I hope it does.

I'm sorry for ranting,I just wanted to let you all know.I don't really want to leave you all in the dark and wonder where I'm at since my last update.

I hope you all understand and I hope you all are taking care of yourselves,I care about you guys.Just take care of yourselves,alright?

I'll...try my best to do the same.

I'll see you all soon,yeah?


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