4)"My Heart Is Now Warm,I Wish Yours Was Too"

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The sun was beginning to set and Michael had just realised this fact.

He was having so much fun playing with his new friend,Clara.Who knew playing with a two year old could bring such joy?And honestly,who could blame him?He had so much fun laughing and playing pretend with the little girl,who mostly leaned on him for his warmth.

Michael didn't complain once.

But the sun was setting and Michael knew he needs to head back home.He idly wonders how worried his parents are,considering he's been missing for the majority of the day.Disappearing at six in the morning and returning by dusk,Michael was definitely sure they were tearing the whole country to look for him.

The man noticed as well when he looks out the window.

"I think you need to head home now,kiddo.",he tells him,getting off the couch and picking Clara up from the floor.The rabbit girl was holding the cow plushie—which was named Stuffy Henry,by Clara—by the ear and later squished by her arm.

Michael nods,solemnly,"Y-Yeah...".He looks down,a little disappointed that he had to leave so soon.

Something poked his forehead and he jolts up.The man was crouching before him,"Hey,don't look so down.You're free to visit us anytime.",he leans a little closer,"Just watch out for your parents.Don't wanna get sued,ya know?"

Michael giggles,nodding at him before they made their way towards the door.The man paused a little,before he nagged Clara's blanket from one of the couches.He bundles the lower portion of her body,allowing the upper portion to move freely.

"We should hurry up.The mobs are going to spawn soon and it'll be a hassle to take care of them with you both around.",he advised,grabbing an iron axe that rested on the wooden wall by the front door.

Michael hums in acknowledgement.He remembers watching his uncle blade and grandpa Phil,sometimes his cousin Fundy and dad,kill numerous zombies and skeletons that roamed their home during the 'bad nights'.He had a couple of encounters with creepers;let's just say it was not a very pleasant experience.

The group went out towards the front of the house.The skies were painted with the familiar warm orange and red hue,the sun glowed a bright gold in the distance,and the wind felt chilling once it hits your bare skin.

The man offers Michael his hand,the other cradling Clara as she holds the cloak's fabric.

Michael takes his hand.

"Let's go."

They leave the cabin in a hurry,Michael's grip on the man's hand tightens as he catches up.While on their way,the boy describes his home and its surroundings;how he lives in a large brick home,oak trees and tall grass and bushes laid out around the place.He tells him about the garden in his backyard,where he sneaked out from.

Michael also tells him about L'Manburg,the country filled with ghost stories and war.His house sits just by the outskirts of it,a gravel path from his home leading  towards the city entrance.Somewhere up west,he told him at one point.

The man would respond with a hum or short answers,his eyes darting at every corner he glances at.Michael thinks he was looking out for any mobs that might spawn nearby.He still held his hand and it was enough comfort for Michael to know he'll be just fine.

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