10)"Everything will be okay,please believe me."

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Tommy was getting better and he wasn't being stubborn about it.It wasn't a surprise,really.It was clear to them the moment they watched the young blonde interact with the children.The way he was soft and mellow,how he knew what to do to calm down their nerves and make them smile.How he knew how to be a parent,a good parent.

He's changed.A lot.And the family can't help but just be in awe at how Tommy just acts so...different.He wasn't as loud as he was before,has the patience of a turtle and an eye of an eagle,his ego was nowhere to be seen,and he's...open.Open in a sense that he admits he's getting soft and mushy inside.

It was quite hilarious to Tommy as he explained and confirmed that—yes—he is indeed Clara's 'papa'.It shocked them even more to find out he had been a parent to this girl for three years now.And Michael confirmed that he met Tommy just two months after Tommy adopted Clara.

They were downright dumbfounded.Although,their reaction was pretty understandable;at least to Tommy's and Michael's perspectives.A little reality check on just how much they fucked up,in a sense.

He spilled a little more about what happened after his initial runaway;about how he ran so so far that they're pretty close to the world border;to which Michael sheepishly explained how they actually met.


"I was fine!Uncle Tommy saved me before anything bad happened!".

"Barely.Michael,the ground you were on was crumbling and I had arrived just in time-"

"I thought you were over that?"


"Dad,calm down!That was three years ago,I'm alive!"

"For good measures,I banned them from going there again.So don't worry about it."


"Watch your language-"

"Did he just scold you for swearing-?"

"Who are you?Badboyhalo??"

"Clara is five years old,Techno!At least,Michael has some sense to not swear in front of her!".

"But he swears himself!".

"And whose fault was that?".


"Exactly,you absolute idiot."

Aside from that surprise of him holding back swears for the sake of his daughter,his home was also a surprise because...well,it was nice.His family didn't think he'd be good at building such nice house,as his records of building horrendous looking towers.

It did,however,made them pretty guilty when he admitted the cottage he built was inspired from their old home in the mountains,how he took into account the things Phil told him about buildings and the tips when it comes to farming from Techno.

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