**P R O L O G U E **

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Paris, France

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Paris, France. 2001
Age 13


   It was a quiet night when it happened.

The usual busy sounds of the French city that could be heard outside of the Miles' family home were hushed as everyone was already home and asleep. 

Mary and Gorge Miles were awake. Their lights dim as a movie softly played and filled the silent home.
The two soulmates were cuddled on their small love sofa that sat in the middle of their small living room. The two had been waiting for their son, who had been out with his own soulmate. Their thirteen year old daughter was fast asleep up in her room. 
Or so they thought.

"Maman?"    (Mama?)

The mother looked up, startled by the sudden sound of her daughter calling her.

"Oui, chérie, Que fait-tu éveille? "  (yes, darling, what are you doing awake?) Mary said, as she watched her daughter walk slowly over to the couch, waking up Gorge as she sat down with a giggle escaping her lips.

"Ma fille! You're awake!" He said, his broken English peeking through his native tongue. Mary smiled and watched as Gorge pulled their her daughter close towards him, sharing a hug. The young girl was a Daddy's girl without question.

"Oui, papa. J'ai entendu un grand bruit dehors." She explained. (I heard a loud noise outside)

"Oh, no worries, mon amour. Just the wind." Her father coaxed. However, just then, a loud bang startled the three as it echoed throughout their home.

"C ' était ça!"  (That was it!) she cried and pointed towards the door with a shaky finger.

Gorge hushed his daughter and rubbed her head as he stood up.
Mary could sense the sudden anxiety from her mate as it rushed over her like a wave. Maybe it was just her son? Or maybe it was just the wind. Then, a scary thought came to Mary's mind and she immediately looked over to her husband.

"Gorge, what if..." Mary spoke in perfect English. She wasn't from France. But her soulmate was and from the day she met him, she wanted to learn the beautiful language.

Gorge only shook his head and headed off to his office. Mary brought her daughter closer towards her, the girl was confused by the way her parents were acting.
When Gorge came back, he held a gun tightly in his hand as he neared the wooden door.
Sending a look to Mary, with the slight nod of her head, he opened the door.

However, In a second, a bullet was put between Gorge's blue eyes, and he fell to the ground with a thud.
The screams of Mary and her daughter were loud as the agents marched in.

"You choose to betray HYDRA?" The Doctor asked as he walked towards Mary.
Mary slowly stood up, her crying daughter was pushed her behind her legs. The little girl held tightly to the fabric of her mother's shirt as watched with wide and terrified eyes.

"No. We didn't—"

"Lies." He said and held out a gun.

Mary held her breath and thought carefully of her next words.

"It was a lie. We didn't cross you, it was a rumor—-"

He shook his bald head side to side. "Most rumors are true. Traître" (traitor)

Mary shook her head as he stepped closer and closer. , his evil eyes noticed the young girl backing up, "say bye bye to mommy." He said. And with wicked smirk, he pulled the trigger.
With The bullet landing in her forehead, she is sent to the ground.

"Hail HYDRA." He says and looks to the child.

The last thing the girl remembers is screaming as everything went dark.


  Darien Miles had been all smiles as he walked home from his special day with his soulmate. The twenty one year old had been dreading leaving, because all he wanted to do was stay with her. However, he knew he had to go home because he knew his parents were waiting for him like they always did.

It was near two o'clock in the morning and he was hoping he wouldn't get into too much trouble for staying out this late.
He hummed a old tune as he walked up the old wooden steps that led to his front door.
His keys jingled as he took them out of his Jean pocket and to the golden door knob, he was too lost in his mind to even notice it was already open.

Then, in slow motion, his keys fell at the feet of his father, who lay motionless on the ground in front of him.

"Papa." He whispered in shock. With tears in his eyes, he fell to the ground and crawled over to his father. "Papa." He cried again, holding his fathers head in his lap.
His hands shook as he touched the fresh bullet wound; blood coated his hands instantly.
Hesitantly, he turned his head, he noticed his mother.

"Maman!" He cried, leaving his fathers side, he rushed over to his beloved mother and cradled her limp body in his arms.

"Evangeline!" He called out, his sister's name came out scratchy from his trembling lips as he hoped she was hiding somewhere safe.

"Angie!" A sob broke past his desperate call as he stood up and began looking for her.  He looked upstairs, he looked in his fathers office, he looked in their basement, in each room, he came up empty.

With heavy breaths, he tugged at his hair as he tried to think about what to do.

Nick Fury. His mind called out. He would know what to do.

With purpose in his step, he rushed back towards his father's destroyed office and rummaged through a drawer with papers and finally found his number.  With a shaky breath, he punched In the numbers and listened to the phone as it rang....once.....twice......


"Nick Fury. J'ai besoin de votre aide" (I need your help.)


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