-- Chapter Five --

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Outside of New York

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Outside of New York

  Evangeline had never run so much in her life.
Her feet burned in her shoes as she hit the uneven ground below her. Her eyes were blurred with her tears, which made it even more difficult to focus on where she was even going.
The pure fear in her body is what kept her going. She had cursed Bucky for forcing her to flee like this. It wasn't her plan.
The were supposed to leave together, no matter what he said.

As a sob broke out of her, she fell to the ground and landed with a harsh thud. The grass rubbed at her exposed skin as she turned and rested on her back. Her head looking up to the bright sky.
The sun was shining down on her, her black uniform caused heat to rise in her body, creating an improper amount of sweat to trickle down her face as It mixed with her salty tears. Her breathing increased, she wiped her eyes, to try and clear her vision.

She had no idea where she was. She hoped she was far enough that it would take HYDRA a long time to find her. She was important to them; they were no doubt looking for her.

While Evangeline lays on her back, she is finally able to catch her breath. Her mind became clear, and for once, the only thoughts in her mind were those of her own.
Everything was quiet. Peaceful. The girl smiled and a small laugh escaped her lips.

She was free.

With a deep breath, Evangeline sat up, she fixed her hair and pushed it aside and into a bun. Her knifes were hidden in her sleeves and Jeans, her gun at her side.
She had to think of her next move. In the distance, she could see the outline of the city. Maybe if she made her way over to it, she could try and book a plane ticket and go somewhere where they can never find her.
Somewhere off their grid.

Out of sight, out of mind.

With a heavy sigh, Evangeline turned her head to her arm, where her mark lay. She frowned as her fingers traced the red star, she hoped he was okay.  She hoped that he remembered her.

Evangeline took a breath once more and cleared her mind, then with all her might, she tried to stand up. However, her legs became jelly and she tumbled to the ground.

"Merde." (Shit)
She grumbled. Maybe she should wait a while before she started running again.
Slowly, Evangeline lays back onto the ground.
The sun back in her eyes as she looked at the sky. She didn't think she would ever get tired of seeing the light blue.
She hadn't seen it in so long, nor did she ever get enough time to truly appreciate how beautiful it was.

While she looked up, she barely had time to think before her eyes slowly closed, sending her into a coma like sleep, filled with darkness and quietness.

—— 🌻 ——

Evangeline woke with a start. Her breathing picked up as she looked around her surroundings. She was not where she fell asleep. Panic rose when she reached for her knifes, only for them not to be there.
It was okay, really. She didn't necessarily need them.

Evangeline /////// Avengers soulmate au Where stories live. Discover now