- Chapter Thirteen -

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The car ride towards Queens wasn't long for them. Natasha smiled to herself as she looked over to her side, Evangeline was sleeping beside her in her seat. Her head tucked under her arm and resting on the window.
Her mouth parted open slightly as soft snores leave her lips.

Light music plays on the radio; a song neither of them knows.
As Natasha takes a turn, Evangeline's eyes snap open, her eyes looked around her surroundings frantically,

"Hey, it's okay...we're in the car." Natasha says, her head turning from the road towards her soulmate in distress.
Evangeline breaths heavily as she reached for Natasha's hand and grasped it tightly.


"What was it?" Natasha asked as she pulled over and parallel parked into a random open spot.
Evangeline looked away, her hands started shaking and a tear slowly slid down her cheek.

"HYDRA....they—they found me."

It was often her nightmare. Being found by HYDRA. After being free for so long, she always figured they'd forgotten about her. That they didn't care anymore that she wasn't in their clutches.
But there was always that feeling. The feeling in the back of her mind that she was always being watched. It never left her. Even after all these years.

"It's been 5 years since you escaped. Since
You got free. No one is going after you anymore. Most of them are dead."

Evangeline listened to her words of comfort. Natasha was right, of course she was. However, that didn't mean that there weren't others still alive. Others that would kill to find her.

"personne ne vous éloignera jamais de nous" (no one will ever take you away from us.) Natasha said. Her speaking French made Evangeline give her a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I love you...." her words were quiet, but Natasha heard and her response as a kiss on the cheek and her saying the words back.
Natasha never thought she would ever get the chance to.

Neither did I... Evangeline thought quietly.


Evangeline happily held a few books in her hands as they walked down the street. Her mind focused on her own thoughts and Natasha's in order to distract her self from those around her.
Natasha walked close to Evangeline, her eyes watched her surroundings and was prepared to fight anyone who dared to attempt anything.
They made their way across the busy street and towards the small Sandwich shop on the corner.

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