*-- Chapter Two -*

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Evangeline slowly blinked open her eyes. The bright, white light blinded her as she looks up at the ceiling above her. The sound of soft talking and beeping could be heard in her ears as she adjusts her position. Her mind swam in random thoughts of those around her. She closed her eyes again, trying to block everything out.

"That was quite the light show, маленький боец." (Little fighter) he said with a laugh.
She opened her eyes, he stood over her, his ugly face blocked the big light. A needle in his hand. 'I'll enjoy tearing you up'
he thought. Knowing she heard him, he smiled.

She grunted out in pain as She pulled at her restrains as hard as she could, the doctor laughed more.

Raising his hand, he gave her a slap on the cheek, causing her to become still and quiet.
The only sound was the thoughts of her own and those around her, her brain was becoming too full as she tried to think of things that distracted her. The doctor noticed and laughed again.

"You must learn to embrace it." He told her as he smiled. His yellow teeth shining back at her. She turned away, the hotness of his breath was heavy on her skin. She had a strong urge to inflict pain on him, but she wondered if the consequences of her actions were going to be worth it if she did so.

Think of the Winter Soldier. Her mate. Her soulmate. Thinking of him will calm her down.
With slow breaths, she sat quietly as the doctor continued to inject her with different colored liquids. Each time more painful than the last.

"All right. We're finished here. Bring her back to the cell. у меня есть подозрение, что Зимний Солдат ждет ее возвращения." (I have a suspicion the Winter soldier is waiting for her return)

Half asleep and groggy, Evangeline could feel as the cuffs were finally taken off her wrists and ankles. She could feel as she is carried towards her cell. She lets out a grunt as she is practically thrown onto the ground, a shocked sound came out of her as her face hits the floor. The cell door locked shut and she again was left with The Winter Soldier.

"Are—are you alright?" He said gently. His voice so low he didn't even know he could speak that quietly. He wasn't even sure why he was talking at all, he usually never does.

He watched as she slowly stood up, she brushing the dust of her black uniform and walked over to the corner she was in before they took her away. She slid down the wall, and pulled her knees up towards her chest then held herself tightly.

Evangeline /////// Avengers soulmate au Where stories live. Discover now