-- Chapter Eight -

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Same day

  Evangeline sighed as the car drove into the underground parking lot of the S

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Evangeline sighed as the car drove into the underground parking lot of the S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters. She watched out the window as the car pulled into a open spot near the elevator.

"You ready?" Clint asked as he unbuckled his belt. Evangeline nodded and got out.
With shaky hands, she followed her two soulmates as they enter the metal box.
She hadn't liked elevator's. The whole concept of it scared her to no end. Plus, it didn't help that it happened to be a small space, reminding her of being trapped.

Clint and Natasha took notice how their soulmate paled as they pressed the up button.

"Are the okay?" Natasha asked, beating Clint to the question.

Evangeline nodded but said nothing. Her eyes closed as she felt the box start moving upward.
When it finally came to a stop, and they stepped off, Evangeline couldn't help but let out a breath.

"Afraid of elevator's?" Clint asked as he took his arrows and held them in his hands instead of on his back.
Evangeline felt a blush rise in her cheeks.

"Oui." She says softly. A little embarrassed.

Clint laughed quietly. "That's all right. Totally normal." He said and nudged her solider with his elbow. Evangeline smiled at his kindness.

"Come on, you two." Natasha said as she walked forward. The burning in her arm brought her a weird sense of calmness she's never felt before. She thought that maybe it was because her soulmate....she wasn't going to lie to herself and say she didn't appreciate it.

As they walked into the building, Evangeline tried her best to block everyone's thoughts. They were brief as she passed them, but they still came at her full force.
However, even with the thoughts, Evangeline was still able to take a look around the big building and admire it.

She had never been in a place like this.
She had felt like everyone was watching her as she followed Natasha and Clint into a different part of the building.
This one was smaller, but there was a few desks and computers lined up.

"Alright. We should start with a tour. Who should tell Nick she's here?" Clint asked as they walked passed the computers and a small room.
The room had a bed and a few cloths on a shelf above it. It kind of looked like a room where someone slept.

"I'll tell Nick. We can meet back here?" Natasha said. She sent a small smile to Evangeline before she exited the room. Evangeline sighed and shyly looked over to the bowman.

"Okay. So, I guess we'll get this started. This, is where I Stay when Im here. A little small for me, but it's been fine. Natasha has her own room next to mine...anyway, oh, follow me."

Clint reached out his hand to her, Evangeline hesitated, but then, took it. Holding his hands brought a shiver down her spine and as they walked close together, Evangeline couldn't help but keep her smile.
She remembered this is how she felt the first time she and Bucky held hands. She never got tired of the feeling she got.

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