- Chapter Twelve -

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One month before The Attack on New York
Evangeline's Apartment

One month before The Attack on New YorkEvangeline's Apartment

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Evangeline had found Steve. The Steve that Bucky had told her so much about when she and him had been awake late at night because of nightmares. He told her stories—when he remembered— about their friendship. She always was so intrigued. So curious about the skinny boy from Brooklyn.

Maybe that was part of the reason why she stayed in the city. In Brooklyn it's self.
Maybe there had been a connection with her and Steve all along.
It just took a while for them to find each other.

Over the course of a few months, Evangeline and her four soulmates had accumulated a routine.
Clint and Natasha had continued to stay with Evangeline. Her apartment had become a home for them and they hadn't planned on leaving; not that she minded anyway.
Sometimes, she would stay at Sam's. He lived a little ways away, but she didn't mind.

Steve stayed at her apartment some weekends. When they weren't busy.
She remembered one night, when it was just her and him, they hand talked and talked. He knew stuff about her that even Clint didn't know.
They all knew different things about her that one or the other didn't.

With finding half her soulmates, news about her had been sparked up; especially when it was leaked that Captain America had found his soulmate. That had been a little hard to let dye down. People had bothered them when they went out, alone or with the others.
It wasn't long before it was told that Captain America had to share his soulmate.

Evangeline didn't like the world talking about her. She wasn't used to it and she had become more shy when they were out in public.

People also knew about Evangeline's past. Or, most of it. Thanks to a conference about the matter, she had to go over a whole ordeal about her powers...she let Nick and S.H.E.I.L.D handle all the legal stuff she had no idea about. She never let the media effect her or her love for her soulmates.

Things was chaotic, until they weren't.
After a while, thing have calmed down and back to normal. Evangeline was safe with her soulmates. She knew that. And they helped on days where she didn't exactly believe that.

As of now, Evangeline was having a good day. She had woken up without a nightmare, and at a decent time.
There were three people sleeping next to her. Her bed had been updated to a bigger size for times likes this. It was big enough to fit five body's.
Letting out a yawn, she carefully got out of bed. She changed into her outfit for the day and walked into the kitchen.
She gathered what she needed from the fridge to make some pancakes...something she'd been craving since Clint taught her how to make them.

She hummed an unknown tune as she worked. As she did, she felt a presence and looked up to see Steve, he had been asleep on the bed. She must've not heard him fall off after Clint practically kicked him.

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