- Chapter Eighteen -

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Evangeline felt her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she and Natasha hid from The Hulk

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Evangeline felt her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she and Natasha hid from The Hulk.
The two Assassins kept a close eye on the being as they were stationed above on the catwalk they climbed up onto.

They each held guns as they cautiously walked around, trying not to make a sudden sound that would trigger him.

As she neared a turn, Evangeline's eyes grow wide as she comes face to face with him.
He lets out a roar, causing her to finch back.
In her mind, all she could hear from him was screaming.

Natasha had used her gun and shot at the vent, causing air to spew out of it, the hulk shouted and Natasha is quick to grab Evangeline and rush her out of the way.

Together, they held each other close as they crouched.

'It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy'

Fury informed them over the intercom.
Evangeline and Natasha nodded in understanding towards each other. Natasha put her hand to her ear and spoke,

"This is Agent Romanoff, Agent Miles and I copy." She said, Natasha turned to Evangeline,
"You go find someone. I'll take care of Clint..."

"What? Non, I can help with him—"

Natasha caved in and nodded, however, as soon as they tried to make their exit, two guards came at them.
Giving her no time to move, Evangeline is the one to take them down.

Evangeline turned to face a guard, his gun pointed right at her. With a small smile, she rises her hand and immediately, he fell to his knees.

His gun flew out of his hand as he tumbled to the ground. Another guard then came forward and Evangeline raised her other hand in his direction.

With her hand still focused on the other guy, she roundhouses kicked the closet one. He grunted and hit his head on the floor as he landed. She kicked his gun away as she twisted her other a hand one more time,
The guy she had held in her clutch of pain, was dead within seconds.

Turning her head, she caught Natasha as she fought a guard as well. When they were all down, Natasha Led Evangeline out of the way, 
Immediately, as they walked down the catwalk, Evangeline and Natasha walked as quietly as they could, and while Natasha reached out for Clint, he quickly turned and drew out his bow, letting it fire, Natasha is
Swift with her movements.

Evangeline, had watched anxiously as both Natasha and Clint fight each other. With each blow and hit Evangeline had begun to feel every single one, herself.

As they fought, Evangeline grunted each time he aimed for her arm; he had tried to go for it once more, but Evangeline managed to grab hold of hit, Clint let out a groan as he twisted out of her light hold.

As soon as Natasha grabbed a hold of him, she grabbed his arms and roughly pushed him to the side, causing him to violently hit his head on the railing, Evangeline ignored the feeling it gave her and tried to step forward to help him, but Natasha had quickly put her arm out, stopping her soulmate from doing so.

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