-- Chapter Twenty-Nine --

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  It had been going so well.  After their time in the shower, they had gotten dressed, and at the same time, her soulmates had come back to the tower. They all bombarded her with questions about what had happened, but she had easily brushed them off and begged them not to worry about her. Not that they would listen anyway, but at least they promised to stop asking her if she was okay.

Then, Sam had made a small breakfast, well, a brunch. For it had already been around 1:30 by the time Peter and Evangeline had actually left.
It was to be a surprise as to what they were going to do that day.
They got in the car and drove for a while before Evangeline eventually figured out where they were going.

Evangeline happily watched The familiar streets of where Peter had once lived pass by out the window she looked out of.

The idea of visiting Peter's aunt May was Evangeline's idea once she noticed they were in Queens. 
They spent the afternoon playing a board game Evangeline had never heard of.  Aunt May had even given Evangeline some old recipes before they had left the small apartment to continue with their special day together.

As they said goodbye, they left hand in hand and walked down the streets and entered the closest bookshop that was near. Evangeline was in need of some new books and she was happy when Peter agreed.

"How many books do you really need?" Peter had asked as they browsed the Isles. She had held at least five books in her hands. He walked close behind her as they turned a corner.

"All of them." She had said. There was so many she wanted. So many she missed out on. Her library was about to get a little bigger.  And, if Evangeline were to be honest, it really was Tony's fault for giving her his card in the first place.

Peter had sighed as he followed her around. He ended up holding a few himself, and finally, once they possibly couldn't carry any more, they left the shop and decided to head over to the car so they could put the books there.

As they walked, they talked and talked. This morning's happenings not coming up because it was unnecessary. Evangeline didn't want to burden Her soulmates with her issues. It wasn't something she liked to talk about anyway, so taking about anything else was deemed the way to go.

After they had safely put away the books, each of them had started to feel a little hungry, so, in agreement, they had headed to Delmars—-the very sandwich shop they met—— and got some sandwiches. She smiled at the familiar owner of the shop. He greeted them as they entered. He and Peter talked, catching up like old friends while Evangeline was busy paying attention to the tabby cat that sat by the window.

"Thank you, Mr, Delmar!" Peter had as they made their exit. The bell ringing behind them.
Peter held their sandwiches, he looked around, and taking Evangeline's hand, he led her into a small alley way.

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