- Chapter Seventeen -

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Evangeline walked closely beside Natasha. Her shall was wrapped tightly around her shoulders as she and her walked slowly into the open house.
Evangeline couldn't help but look at all the different things that surrounded the home.

However, as they walked closer and closer towards the man who stood on the other side of the room, looking out the small window the little girl disappeared into.

Evangeline held her breath as she felt her right thigh buzz. She resisted the urge to react as he and Natasha talked.
She eyed the man as he took timid steps around her and placed his side bag down on the small table.

"You brought me to the edge of the city. Smart." He said towards Natasha, though his eyes flickered towards Evangeline.
"I assume the whole place is surrounded." He said.

"Just you and us." Natasha said, pointing to her and her soulmate. She didn't bother to mention the side glances Bruce and her soulmate were giving each other. She had a hunch, and they were usually right.

"And Uh, your little actresses buddy? Is she a spy to? They start that young?" He asked, referring to the little girl they used.

Natasha smiled and shrugged her shoulders, "I did."

"And who are you?"

"Natasha Romanoff. This is Evangeline." She said pointing to her soulmate.

"Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff? Because that's not going to work out for everyone. And I, for one, never wanted to have meet my soulmate and accidentally end up killing her..."

Evangeline blushed slightly and was glad she was standing far enough that he couldn't see it. She knew about Bruce and what he could do, but she wasn't afraid.

"Why not? It's how we met." Natasha said, with a smile, gesturing between her and Evangeline.

Bruce looked between the two with a raised brow, a whole new set of questions were raised as he thought about what she just said.


Bruce Banner had introduced himself to his soulmate. Luckily, there were no incidents whatsoever; and the two had happily engaged in casual small talk during the flight back.
Natasha had sat with Bruce and Evangeline as she explained to him about her Soulmate situation.
Natasha had always found it a little ironic that her one Soulmate was Soulmates with everyone associated with the team Nick Fury was trying to create. It was like somehow he knew and decided to bring them all together.

As Natasha had watched the interaction between Bruce and Evangeline, she began to notice that Evangeline's already seemed to create a connection with him.
In some weird ways, she though, They were both similar; in a sense where they both had a tad problem with anger.
The only difference between them was, when Evangeline had gotten upset or felt threatened, she became a killer assassin.
When Bruce become threaded or angry, he became a rage killing being.


When the jet had finally landed, the three had gotten off and quickly changed into suitable clothes.
Natasha and Evangeline had matched with leather jackets and sunglasses and while Natasha's jacket was black, hers happened to be red. It also happened to be one of her favorites, weather it was because of the color, or the fact that it was one of Natasha's old ones, she didn't know nor did she care.

Together, they had walked towards to where Steve would be waiting. He had been called to help, along with Tony, but he hadn't showed yet.

When Evangeline had reached him, she didn't hesitate to take him in an embrace. Her arm wrapped around his large shoulders, Steve returned the action and wrapped his arms around her wrists.

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