-- Chapter Thirty --

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The air around her was cold. She could feel her bones as they shake. The darkness that surrounds her causes her to question where she possibly could be. She hadn't remembered anything.
There was no recollection of who she was. Where she came from.

She could hear other sounds. Those of soft talking and other random sounds that echoed around her. Where was she?

Letting out a breath, the girl squinted her eyes closed as she ignored the pain and sat up. Her body and bones shout in protest, but she was starting to get uncomfortable in the position she was in.

At the sound of distant footsteps, the girl moved so she was sat against the wall. Her back pressed up to it. Her knees had been pulled up to her aching chest. Her hands shake as they are folded tightly together and hidden in her lap.  Her hair fell over her face, acting as a shield to whoever wanted to see her. It also blocked the tears that managed to fall without her permission. 

The footsteps had gotten closer. And by the sound of it, it appeared to be more than one. And they were coming her way. 

She could hear laughter. The soft click of a heel against the tile floor. The white tile floor that looked almost familiar. 

"маленький боец." (Little fighter)

Her eyes widen. Like a lightbulb it goes off in her head. That name....she's heard it before... the voice.....

"I see the wheels turning in your little head." He told her, his back straight as he stood in front of her. A clipboard held between his arm.

The other man beside him, stood still as he looked at her through his mask. His hair so long it reached just above his shoulders. His metal arm caught her attention though as she caught herself glancing at it. Familiar

"As you can see, we've been busy and quite successful. We managed to create something—something that we didn't have before." He continued. He paced as he talked, only stopping to look at her and catch a reaction. But she watched and listened with a empty face.

"Well, I guess it's simpler just to get on with it. What's your name?" He had asked, a wicked smile grew on his face.

The girl pondered, her mind raced as she tried to come up with something—anything. However, the only thing she could hear were faint screams and evil thoughts.....
She could hear thoughts...?

Not giving the man an answer, he smiled triumphantly. Proudly, even.

"That's right. You can't remember. As I suspected. Out new machine made sure if it." He laughed. "Soldier." He said to the other man, "do with her what we discussed. If anything happens, there will be

He gave his handler a tight nod of understanding. He stilled as he took off his mask and walked away, leaving them in the dark room.


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