-- Chapter Six --

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Two years later—
Age 22
Pre Avengers
(During Iron Man #1) (Tony is Mentioned)
New York

 Age 22 Pre Avengers (During Iron Man #1) (Tony is Mentioned) New York

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S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters

  Darian Miles had survived. His encounter with The Winter Soldier put Nick Fury in a frenzy. With extra procedures placed, all agents were now on high alert.
After his attack, it was Darian's goal to find out who this Soldier was. He had asked Nick for everything he had on The Winter Soldier.

Files, videos. Anything that told him how to find this guy and take him down.
For the past two years, he had been looking and searching. Learning everything there was to learn about the man that almost killed him.

However, while he did his research, he did not expect to be intrigued by The Storm, as well.
The two were a power house when they worked together. He had learned everything about the both of them.

Up until her disappearance in 2008. She had completely vanished and even S.H.E.I.L.D couldn't find her.

But they would. Darian had convinced Nick, that instead of putting her down, they would recruit her and get her to join S.H.E.I.L.D. They had done so with with a few agents with similar backgrounds.

"Anything new?"

Darian looked over to Nick as he came up to his desk. His computer open and papers scattered everywhere.

"No. Nothing. No spottings of either of them. It's like their ghosts."

"Well, I sure got something for you fellas."

Darian Miles turns in his chair as the preppy voice sounds from behind them. She walked towards them with a red file in her hand and a coffee from the shop down the street. Darian cursed himself for not getting one himself earlier.

"Whatcha got?" Miles asked

"Well, you two are not gonna believe me." She says as she placed the file on Darian's desk. Raising her arm, she rested it on Nick's shoulder.
The man turned to face her, his eye staring back at her, a silent threat to remove her arm and step back.
She immediately did and took two steps back. Clearing her throat, she turned back to Darian.

"The Storm. She was spotted." Sunny had left out that she knew her.
After she had found her in her yard and taken her in, they had created a small friendship. Which, however, ended when Evangeline up and left her hanging. Disappearing before her very eyes as soon as they reached the city.
Never to be seen again.

Until now.

Darian noticed a sort of longing look in Sunny's eyes. With a sigh, he opened the file and looked through the surveillance footage of The Storm. Different frames showed of her taking people down, causing small blackouts. He wondered how she was able to do so. There wasn't a list of her powers in the file.

"Where is this?" Nick asked

"Uh, here. She's been here the whole time. Right under our noses." Sunny says taking a sip form her coffee.

Darian kept looking at the pictures. The Storm's long black hair covered most her face, but there was one picture where you could see half her face.
"Do you think we could run this picture through the system? See if we pick up anything?" Darian asked, handing the picture to Nick.

Nick sighed, "maybe. I'll pass it on. "

"Latter, Dude." Sunny says as he walks away. Nick turned and looked at her, only shaking his head as he continues to walk away.
Darian laughs as Sunny sits down in an empty chair beside him.

"That man is scary." She says, with a shutter.

"Not so much." Darian admits. He's know Nick his whole life. He's used to his closed off state, his "scariness" if anything, was only intimidating to those who didn't know him.

"Anyway. Thanks for bringing these in. They can help bring her in. Hey, Do you know anything about The Winter soldier?" He asked

"The Winter Soldier? That guy is cool. But no, I just know the ghost stories about him." She talked fast, but Darian was able to keep up. He found the girl interesting and could confidently say that they could be potential friends.

"Did you hear about Tony Stark?" She asked.

Darian shook his head, he turned to face her, truly intrigued as to what she was going to say, The Storm, however, lingered in the back of his mind.


"Sir? We have a match."

Nickolas Fury looked up from his stacked pile of paper work. The recent one he was working on hadn't been for work, but it had been a plan he wished would ensue hopefully soon. If his plans came together probably. And If the people he sought out for agreed in the first place.

"A match, On The Storm?" Nick asked as he stood up from his chair. He followed the scientist out of his office and into a room.

"Yes." She said and handed him some papers.

Nick eyed the sheet, a weird feeling washed over him as he read the results in front of him. "Is this right?"

"Yes, sir. Double checked and everything."

Nick folded the paper and placed it inside the secret pocket of his leather jacket. "This stays between us, yeah?"
The woman nodded and scurried off, leaving Nick with his racing thoughts.

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