-- Chapter Twenty-Three --

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A few weeks later

A day with Sam

A day with Sam

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Evangeline panted as she ran. Sweat beat down her face as she pushed through the leg pain that was starting. She stopped and rested her hands on top of her knees as she tried to catch her breath. She could hear him laughing as he came up beside her after he had past her a second time.

She cursed in her head. Who ever decided that running is something you should do for fun in their free time, was clearly not okay. Maybe they had been right, maybe she was getting weaker and softer. Before, she could probably run ten times further than Sam.

"Giving up yet, sweetheart?" He asked as he placed two fingers on his neck. He was sweating, sure. But he wasn't gasping for air every two seconds like she was.

"je ne cours plus jamais avec toi" (i'm never running with you ever again) she muttered.

Sam some what under stood what she said. His French had been rusty but living with Evangeline, he seemed to be picking it up quite easily. Laughing, he shook his head in amusement.

"Up for another lap?"

"If you say so." Evangeline said as she stretched her legs.

"Alright, care to make it interesting?"

"I'm listening."

"The first one finished the lap gets to pick where we eat."

Evangeline smiled, and before he could say anything else, she gathered her energy and headed off into a sprint.

"I didn't say go!" Sam yelled after her,
She only giggled as she did her best to push through the pain and tiredness.

—— 🌻 ——

"I can't believe you had a head start and you still lost." Sam laughed as they walked hand in hand towards the restaurant of his choice. Apparently it had been one of his favorites in the city and it just so happened to be the closest one near them so Evangeline didn't even mind.

"Yeah, yeah, I lost." Evangeline grumbled as they entered. The small bell on the door rang as they walked in, causing some heads to turn as they made their way to an open seat. She felt their eyes. She hated when people stared at her when she was with any or all her soulmates. It made her uneasy.

As they sat down, Sam noticed how she looked around the restaurant. She watched the doors, the Windows, the people, any one who got close to them as they walked by their table got a glare that could kill.

"We're good, right?" Sam asked as he snapped his fingers to get her attention and focus it back on him. She turned after a few seconds and nodded.

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