Collector [IU]

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{ IU × Y/N }

No One's Pov

     The record plays an eerie song, emitting the whole entire mansion. High Heels clicked as she walked down the hallways and reaches a specific room, her favourite room of all, more specifically, her treasure room.

     Following the melody she hums the song as if she was in a very good mood. Opening the door, she walked down the isle with built in shelves by her sides. Finally, she stops at where she wanted to stop at. She then took out a filled Jar from the tote bag that she has been carrying for a while. "Welcome, Baek Ha Yong." She stated as she places the jar on the shelves, completing the chain of freshly human hearts.

    "Tch." She clicked her tongue, "Time to finish my next set of collections." She continues and stared at her other shelf and left the room with the doors closing behind her.

Y/N's Pov

     I constantly checked my phone, waiting for my best friend to arrive. Sipping on my ice latte, I continued scrolling through Tik Tok. Suddenly, the door opened and she rushed in. "Mianhae, I'm late." She said.

   "I waited for 1 and a half hours gurl." I complained while she laughs. I pouted and said, "Ji Eun ah, it isn't funny." she continues laughing as I sulk over and drank from my ice latte. 

[ The Next Day ]

         "Class dismissed." The professer annouced and the class packed their bags. Including me who was keeping everything until my phone started ringing. Feeling puzzled I picked it up and answered.


"Hello, beautiful."

"Wrong number."

"Pretty sure it is the right one Y/N."

"Sure, you delusional pig. Call one more time and I will report you."

"Haha, witty as you are, I wonder how your 

heart looks like? Will you rip it out and show me?"

"Fucking Psycho."

          I shouted into my phone before ending the call. Packing the rest of my stuff and grabbing my laptop. Getting out of there, I heard my phone ringing again. 'What is it now..' I thought to myself before fishing out my phone and finding out it was a text. "Ji Eun?" I exclaimed. 

[ Time Skip ]

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[ Time Skip ]

      I walked through the door and see Ji Eun doing her usual Yoga Pose. "What's Up? Why did you call me here?" I asked. With her last pose, she stretches and stood up. "Wanna go for dinner?" she asked.

[ Another Time Skip ]

      Currently we are now in Bar infused Resturant, sitting face to face. "So...what have you been up too since the last time we have met?" I asked while cutting up my steak. "Hmm...well, just doing the same thing that I have always been doing. Teaching Yoga, cycling and collecting stuff."Ji Eun explained while stiring her soup. "Do you want some wine?" She then asked. and I nodded. 

      The wine arrived moments later and I took a sip. Our dinner was long done and now it was just us and the wine. "Y/N ah," I nodded my head, gesturing for her to continue. "Do you love me?" she asked. Making me open my eyes wider. "As a friend...? Or...?" I asked nervously. 

      "As a lover. Do you love me?" She said and with that, her eye changed. It was like as if it was drawing me in. "I-I..." I stuttered. 'I only love you as a friend.' I said but was startled. I didn't say it out loud. "I do." I said instead, leaving me in shock. 'I didn't mean that, why did I say that???' I thought to myself. 

     "I have something for you," She said, before taking out a box like thing and place it on the table. "You said you love me, why don't you prove it to me?" she said. At this point I am beyond scared for myself, not sure what is also going on too. "W-What??" I stuttered. "When I first met you, I was attracted to you. Your eyes are beautiful. They sparkled like the stars. It makes me wonder if your heart is as beautiful as you." She continued. 

        Still in trance, I nodded in agreement. My hand reached to where my heart is. 'Wait!! WAIT!' I screamed in my head. But before I could react, I felt a stab into right where my heart is. I looked down and saw my hand into my chest. Tears begin running down my face as my uncontrollable hand gripped tight onto my heart. 'I don't want to die...' Different thoughts ran through my mind as I felt a yank. 'I love you mom and dad...' I thought when my hand finally ripped my heart out of my chest and handed it to the person in front of me. 

     The light in her eyes sparkled when she touched the beating heart with her hand. "It's really beautiful. Unlike anything that I have seen before." She said. My eyes slowly died out while she took out a jar and dropped it in. "Don't worry, I'll preserve it very well, that it will last very long. Now where is my marker.." She mumbled to herself.

      She turned around and started rammaging through her bag. I eyed the thing in front me and used my last strength to pick up the small box and opened it. We eye contacted each other, a smaller me and myself. The smaller version of me had it dead eyes, just like me, like my mind a like. I then dropped the box and my hand dropped to my sides. "Ah, I found them." She said while returning to face me and wrote my name onto the jar.

No One's Pov

         The doors to her newly made treasure room, passing her potrait. She walked down the isle of shelves, full of jars, filled with hearts. she finally reached the end of the room with a little platform with a stand. She placed her newly found jar on to the stand and sighed. "I really did love you Y/N." Ji Eun stated while looking forward. A glass transparent tube cylinder stood in front of her. Storing the now dead Y/n with her lifeless eyes staring into nothing and an empty hole. 

    "Collection Completed."

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