Producer [BTS Jungkook]

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{ BTS Jungkook × Y/N }

Jungkook's Pov

       "Congrats on the top 5 placement on the billboard charts for your 1st mini album!!" I chuckled in reaction to the interviewer's words. "Well, I had an amazing team who helped me throughout the process of preparing the album." I said that while looking at the camera, knowing that she would watch. "Is there any message that you would like to convey through this album?" the interviewer asked. I gave a soft smile and said,"Follow your heart and do whatever you want, no matter what it takes." I said while winking, making the armies in the audience go wild. Not knowing my true intention to my words. The intervewer laugh and said, "Well that is all there is to the interview, please make sure to check out Jungkooks album on all platforms, youtube, spotify etc... We will be back next tuesday, thank you for watching." 


   I entered the van and closed the door. "Ill start driving. You have no more schedules tonight, Ill be taking you home." My manager said before starting up the van. I chuckled to myself before closing my eyes, excited to get home.

[ 45 minutes Later... ]

     I pressed my password into the keypad on my door. Unlocking it, I entered into the entrance hallway and took off my shoes, placing it in my cabinet. I took a deep breath and look at my house view, it was quiet. I slipped my feets into the house slippers and walked into my house, down the hallway and stopped in front of the room at the end of the hallway. I reached into my pocket and took out a key. Inserting the key into the lock and unlocked the door. 

     Opening the door, the lights of my house shined into the room. It was dark. I looked down at the chain, following it, it guided me to the figure on the bed, with her head between her legs. The chain connecting to the ankle cuff. Hugging herself tightly. I sighed and took a seat next to her before lying down onto her bed. "Have you seen the live interview?" I asked. Looking at the ceiling, I chuckled. "Team...Tch, I am so good at faking an interview." I said. Silences still stands in the room. "Right, you're not going to speak." I said, I raised my hand and stopped. The inital thought of hitting her was replaced by another thought. "But then again, you did overwork to put the album to the Top 5." I said while petting her head. "It was a good trade, you know. For our future." I chuckled before walking out of the room and locking the door. I smiled to myself before heading for the shower.

Y/N's Pov

    'Is....He gone?' 


    '.....' I thought to myself recalling what happened 5 months ago.

[ 5 Months Ago ... ]

     "OMMA!! APPA!! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" I shouted after coming out of my room to see unknown men holding my parents. " have a daughter?"  One of the men asked. My father just looked down.

      "Whats going on? LET MY PARENTS GO!!!" I shouted as I lunged at them, only to be held back by 2 of them. "Your parents signed a contract to borrow 2 million dollars. And they failed to pay back. So, you will be the one to pay it back." The captain of them team said it to me. My eyes grew big as I finally realised what it was.

    '2 Million???' I asked myself. 'What was it that they need it for???'

     "Boss will be so happy. Kill the parents, they are no longer needed. Bring the girl with us." The captain instructed. "WAI-" I was about to protest and beg for the freedom of my parents when I felt a pinched at the right side of my neck, making me lose conciousness.

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