Lee Eun Ho [VIXX N]

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{ VIXX N × Y/N }

[Author's Note]

           If yall watched the kdrama 'Children of Nobody', then you will know what I am talking about. But instead of him kenna shot by the bullet, he escapes and jump into the ocean. Somehow.

Y/N's Pov

            "Unnie, can you help me fix this block?" Soo Yeon asked me. I smiled and took the piece of lego in her hand and said to the 5 year old. "Of course!" I picked her up and we head to the round table that she was making lego. I clicked the block on to the top of the house which was odd one out before. "Thank you Unnie!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!" She shouted. I laughed and patted her hair.

           We played a while more before my shift was over and I left to go home. On the way home, I passed by a beach since we live on Jeju-do. I also went to a nearby 7-Eleven to buy a bottle Sparkling Lemon Water. I decided to hand around the beach area before heading home. When something caught my eye.

              Feeling curious, I went closer to it. My eyes grew big. I turned the male subject over and start shaking him, to see if he is awake. "Yah!! Excuses Me!! Sir! Are you okay??" I quickly took out my phone to call the ambulance without realising that he was half conscious.

[ Time Skip ]

       "He will be fine after resting here for a few days." The doctor said and I bowed to him thankfully. I look at the sleeping man and pondered how much he has gone through. He doesn't have am identity but he can survive just fine in Jeju since the authorities are giving him a new one. Knowing that he is in good hands, I left the hospital.

[ Even More Time Skip ]

     3 months has passed since that accident, I am still working in a daycare  helping to baby sit. But failed to see a pair of eyes watching me all day long.

   Today was no exceptional. I laughed when the kids are also having fun. Right now, the kids are having their nap time and I was just organizing the Reception counter when the front door opened.

    I turned and saw one male and one female standing in front of me. "Hello, I'm detective Kang Ji Hyun and this is my partner Jeon Soo young. We are from Seoul Violence Crimes Unit. We are just here to ask a few questions." Showing me his badge. Before opening his file and show me a picture of a male.

       "Have you seen this male before?" He asked

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       "Have you seen this male before?" He asked. My eyebrow raised and said,"He seems familiar but I dont think so I know him." He look at me like I knew something. "Think deeply, it could be someone who you helped or passed by or something."

      I shrugged and said, "No I don't think so. I'm sorry." "It's okay, thank you for your time Miss, We shall get going." He said and we bowed to each other. I opened the front door for them and at the same time; "Ssaem!!!!" The kids shouted to me.  I crouch to their level, "Everyone has gotten up already ah." I asked. All of them nodded their head while some still rubbing their eyes. "Let's go to the play room shall we?" I asked with hint of excitement and they all shouted, "YESSS!" I laughed and watch them run towards the playroom. I also walk in after them and watch them play until their parents came to fetch them, not knowing someone was watching me.

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