Criminal [Ji Chang Wook]

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You have been warned peeps
{ Ji Chang Wook × Y/N }

Y/N's Pov

      Mom head to the living room which was visible from the dining room and turned on the television. I was just staring at my food waiting for my mom to come back to the dining table.

 I was just staring at my food waiting for my mom to come back to the dining table

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     What seems like eternity, mom finally reached back to the table. I took a bite out of the rice and watch the news.

     "Thank you, Now moving on to the main issue. 4 Female collage student's dead bodies were being found in an abandoned hut at the outskirts of Busan. Now, we will give you more details of the situation at the crime scene." The News Reporter said. The clip changed and showed an countryside view. The Main Police inspector stood listening to the reporter's Questions.

      "Well, this is not a good sign. These students were from Seoul College High School and they didn't have a reason to be here in Busan." My eyes widened as Seoul College High School is where I attend School. I shrugged it off thinking it was just coincidence and took a chunk of rice from the rice bowl, then dipped it into the soup and eat it while watching to news again.

     "We believed that these students have been kidnapped and taken here where the Criminal raped and killed his victims." The inspector said. "Do you think that this case has something to do with the Daegu JCW case?" The reporter asked. The inspector then nodded his head in reply before adding, "Yes, these 4 students have JCW markings on them and are around the same age. We sincerely hope parents watched carefully to their daughters, make sure they do not go out so late at night." The talk ended as mom switched off the TV. "MOM!" I whined. "It is not healthy for young girls like you to watch. Now faster finish you food, you are going to be late for school." She said while focusing on her meal. I pouted my lips and went back eating.

Unknown's Pov

     I stood outside of their house near their window of their dining room, making it a clear view of my precious Y/N. Fresh blood dripped from the tip of my knife to the ground as I moan in memory of her being under my grasped. I looked back at the van that I drove here with and groaned. Knowing that I have work to do. My frown turned into a smirk as I know that I will have Y/N tonight.

    I pulled the curb and drove back home to take some equipment.

Y/N's Pov

     I plugged in my headphone and played my most favorite song in IU album. 'Cruel Fairy Tale'

(JT: Hands up if you went to IU's Dlwlrma Concert!)

      I waved goodbye to my mother and I boarded the bus that goes to my school. Without knowing, someone dressed in black shirt and black jeans entered the bus. He took a seat behind me but I didn't care, I continued listening to my music all the way until the bus stops in front of my school. It was really awkward since I was the only person in the bus with that mysterious person.

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