Fallen Angel [BTS RM]

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{ BTS RM × Y/N }

RM's Pov

{ Flashback }

         "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!! SHE IS MINE RIGHT FROM THE START!! LET ME GO!!" I shouted as the Palace Guards held my arms tightly behind. All the Court Angels sat around me as the new King of Angels as known as God, look down on me. "As the Prince of Angels, you should be ashamed for terrorizing this underage human girl as what they called in the Human World. You should know that it is a grave sin as we Angels are supposed to help Humans. You even killed the girl!" He said before continue. "I am ashamed to be your father, and because of that you shall be banished to the hell dungeons locked forever."

       I looked closely at my so called father. "I didn't kill her, I just made adjustments to make her mine completely," I spat. "Drag him away!! He is no son of mine anymore. As for the girl, she shall be reborn in another country and century bless her too, bless her old parents with a happy life with luckness." He commanded.

     The gaurds holding me then pulled me up from kneeling on the ground. "I'll make my return and I'll see the fall of heaven. THAT'S A PROMISE!" I shouted before being dragged away as the doors shut in front of me. 

{ Present }

       "How pathetic." I muttered. Yanking out the dagger from the 10th demon I've killed today. "Ahhh, irritating." I muttered before walking through the portal. 'Here I come baby, you have finally turned into an adult. Im coming to find you and we shall unite.' thought to myself as I walked through the portal and into the human world with a smirk.

Y/N's Pov

       "Yahhhhhh" I shouted. "That is my ice cream!!!!!" I whined. Seeing the kid took the last Vanilla ice cream. Giving myself a sigh and standing up. Walking a few more steps to my house. Walking up, I turned in the key into the key hole, opening the door. "I'm home!" I exclaimed to an empty house. 

      Suddenly a sharp pain shot through my head, making me grab the affecting part harshly. 

                    "You know what will happen if this butterfly escapes?" He asked. "But shouldn't it be free?" A toddler asked. "No, beauty must be kept by the side forever..." He said. "Just like you." He continued and booped her nose making her laugh. Not knowing that he just massacred the whole school.

            The pain is finally gone and I looked up. 'Who is that and why are they wearing werid clothes.' I thought to myself thinking that it is just because of a headache as I didn't sleep for 3 days while writing a song. Stretching I decided to wash up and head to bed. 

[ One Week Later... ]

         Just as I was making my dinner, my phone suddenly vibrated. Turning the gas off, I went to the other room and taking a look at it. 


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