Teaching [D.O]

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{ EXO D.O × Y/N }

D.O's Pov

     "This is your new form teacher, D.O, otherwise known as Mr D.O." The Principle introduced me to my new class. "He will be teaching you guys history and D&T." He continued.

    The whole class greeted me back in a respectful manner.  I smiled in response and look at the view of the class. One of the students who is sitting at the back of the class. She was writing something into her notebook with her earpiece in her ears.

   The principal and the other students didn't seem bothered by her at all. Once the principal left, I did an introduction with the class. One by one, all the students stood up and introduced themselves. My eyes glide to that one girl who caught my eyes. She still in the same position as before, still writing in her notebook.

    Finally, it was her turn. I look down to the clipboard with the student's names. "Miss Y/N, please introduce yourself." I said. I look back up and she still didn't budge. One of the male students scoffed and said, "As if she will. All she know is how to fuck with the principal." The rest of the class started laughing. A spark of anger started to boil in me. 'Not now Kyung Soo, can't let my inner demons be seen by them. Calm down.' I muttered to myself. I place a smile on my face and walk to her table. 

    She is still focused in her writing. I look at her work and it looks like she is writing lyrics. Beside her notebook, her phone shows Taeyeon's song, Rain. I unplug her earpiece from her phone and took the earpiece from her ears. She stopped her actions and looked up at me. Her beauty got me stop breathing for a second. I quickly brought myself back to reality and said, "I'll be keeping this Miss. Please stand up and introduce yourself. My name is D.O. Your new form teacher"

Y/N's Pov  

      Someone unplug my earpiece from my ears, making me look up. I was waiting for him to scold me but around like 3.5 seconds later, he said." I'll be keeping this Miss. Please stand up and introduce yourself. My name is D.O. Your new form teacher" Whispers starts to traveled around the classroom. I rolled my eyes and stood up. Without looking at the teacher, I introduced myself," My name is Y/N." Then I just sat back down. He nodded and turn his back towards me and head to the front of the class. I shrugged and pick up my bag and took out another earpiece.

D.O's Pov 

      Around 15 minutes later, I finish writing stuff on the white board and placed down the whiteboard marker down. I turned around and wanted to say something, but before I could do so, that same girl that I took her earpiece has another earpiece on again. "Haizz, Mr D.O, there is nothing you can do, even the school principal let her off when other teachers told about her." The student in front of me said. "Why?" I asked. 

    "She had an affair with the school principal. There are students who saw her going to his house like during late hours." He explained. The boys around him started laughing. I gave him a smile and said,"Detention!"

[ 3 Months Later... ]

       The more I teach in this school, The more I realized that I fell in love in Y/N charms very single day. Even my inner-self grew fond of her. Every single day, I make sure those boys who talked to her and also the guys who talk bad about her with the principal to detention so that I can remove them quietly.

    Today I have prepared something different and special for Y/N today. I took out my phone and dialed someone. "Jong In ah, I need you to help me do something."

 Y/N's Pov

     I walked down the hallway carrying my books to my locker. All the students I have passed were giving me looks and whispering to each other. I know exactly what they were talking about. Male students have been disappearing after detention and the scariest is that all of them has communicate with me before. And also, I had detention today with Mr D.O for no reason. 

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