Psycho Mafia [BTS Jungkook]

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{ BTS Jungkook × Y/N }

Y/N's Pov

     "Hey, I'm going to leave first, see you tomorrow!" My Co-Worker said. "Byeee!!" I answered and we waved goodbye to each other. I'm working as a Part Time Barista while studying Full time in a university .

   After a few minutes of wrapping up, I wore my mask and grabbed my stuff. I left the cafe and locked it up before heading out of the mall, into the busy street. Plugging my wireless earpiece on. Turning on my music and started to walk to the train station to go home.

            Walking down the busy street, I decided to turn and head into the alley way which is always the fastest way to the Train Station

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            Walking down the busy street, I decided to turn and head into the alley way which is always the fastest way to the Train Station. Not a bright idea, I know. My mom always telling me not to as it is dangerous. But the stubborn ass me decided to go with it anyways.

    As my music was loud to the max, I didn't care about my surroundings but with the only main point is to get to the Train Station before the last train leaves. As the song changes, I turn a left in the corner but halted in my steps and quickly hide behind the corner.

     Peeking the corner, I saw 7 guys armed with guns and one of them are pointing his gun to a kneeling guy on the ground. With his peers lying on the ground, with bullet holes through their head.

   I reached into my pocket where my phone is and turned the volume down so that I can hear what is going on and also pressed the record button after finding the recorder.

     "I'm sorry, please...please let my live...I beg you...please." The kneeling guy begged with his hand placed together, rubbing them furiously and desperately. "Then you should have known better than to betray us. You should know that you can never leave alive." The guy pointing the gun said and proceeds to fire his shot.

     I clasped my mouth with my hand and moved backwards by accident, hitting a crate with my foot, making me freeze up in tension. It was a loud noise.

   "What was that? Is someone there?" One of the guys spoke. I remained silent and kept staring at the guy's direction. Footstep sounded as they start coming in my direction. Being afraid that my life is over, a squeaking sound was heard and I look down and saw rat running out into their line of sight.

   I mentally sight with relief. "Yah, its just a rat, let's go." Another voice stated before multiple footsteps were heard going into another direction and I peaked again. Seeing them just walking away, leaving the dead bodies on the ground.

   The guy who shot the other guy earlier stopped in his tracks. Turning his head back so sudden making me jump. Making sure that I am out of sight but still able to see him. He tilted his head in confusion before leaving with the other guys.

       I sighed in relieved before turning on my music to full and walking fast back to the busy street and decided to go through the long way to the Train Station. 

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