Dollmaster [BTS RM]

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{ BTS RM × Y/N }

Y/N's Pov

       My heels clicked as I stopped with my suitcase beside me. Breathing the air in a different country. 'Hello Korea.' I greeted in my head before leaving the departure hall and on the way to the Taxi stand to catch a cab to my new place.

      Around 1 hour later, I finally reached the new Studio Apartment to unpack. Looking at my new place I took a deep breath opened my suitcase. Luckily for me, the Studio Apartmemt is from my aunt who had found another place and moved out. 

[ 1 Week Later ]

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[ 1 Week Later ]

         Finally the week of settling down in Korea, plus the Orientation is over. Me and Na Bi are walking towards the Lecture Hall for one final speech from the Dean before going to our Majors. "Apparently the Head of Music decided to teach this year." Na Bi spoked as we entered the Lecture Hall. "Really?" I asked while following her up to the highest row and sat down, nearing the stairway. Students started to pile in while we continued out conversation. "Yeah, I heard from Bit Na that he always refuse to teach and only manages the whole Major. Somemore he is strict, glad that I am in sculpture." She stated and I chuckled. Na Bi was one of my friend whom I made during Oreintation and grew closer to. Bit Na is her High School best friend whom also joined Sculpture, alongside with Na Bi. But she decided to skip the first day and call in sick. 

        "Alright settle down 1st years." The Dean instructed to the mic, making us realised that the Lecture Hall was already full. 2 Hours have already passed and we are still sitting in the Lecture Hall. Luckily, the Dean has finished his speech and just started introduce the Head of each Majors. Each Professor came out after being introduced, "Head of Arts, Jeon Jungkook." the Dean annouced. Ooing sounds started to fill the air as I nudged Na Bi who apparently has been sleeping, 

 Ooing sounds started to fill the air as I nudged Na Bi who apparently has been sleeping, 

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        "Yah, that's your Head Professor, he looks handsome." I said. She just shrugged and stretched. "And lastly, we have the Head of Music, who will also be joining the rest of the Professers in teaching your semester terms." The Dean annouced and footsteps started to shake the whole Lecture Hall. "Your professer has some dramatic entrance." Na Bi leaned over and whispered. A tall guy walked out onto the stage and faced the front, making my eyes grew bigger. 'Isn't that...?' I questioned in my head as I thought back.

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