Husband [BTS V]

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{ BTS V × Y/N }

Taehyung's Pov

       "Aigoo, Taehyung ah, you dont have to come all the way here." My mother-in-law thanked as I entered her house, carrying all the stuff that I brought home from overseas. "It is the least I can do, since I've been working overseas ever since that day." I ushered her as I placed the bags onto the dining table. "I'm sure that she is very happy to see you taking care of me, but at the same time why are you not finding your own happiness? I'm sure that she will bless you if youfound someone new that you love." She asked

      I clenched my fist tightly before replying,"I swore to her on our wedding day that I'll forever love her till the day I die." 

     My mother-in-law sighed before asking me if I wanted to have lunch before leaving. I politely declined before saying my goodbyes to her before entering into my car and driving off.


   After around 2 hours, I finally reached the cliffside where it is not know to any human beings. I parked the car and took the bouqet of flowers. I headed to the lonely grave that sits near the edge of the cliff. 

     Y/N L/N 

    I smiled before placing down the flowers. I then took out a cloth and wiped down the tombstone. "Hi, I'm sorry that I took so long to come say goodbye to the ghost of the past. You younger sister is doing well, she is currently studying interior design and architecture in the USA. Your mom is also doing well, she still runs the restuarant in myeongdong. I'm still the same, The good son-in-law, who excels in everything, owns a few business here and there, spending time with my wife." 

    I smiled softly before continuing, "How are you? Are you enjoying the freedom that you so desire?" I that lightly carcress the tombstone. "I'll be back on your anniversary." I announced before going back to my car and driving off.


   I closed the car door and head up to the 2nd floor of my house, walked till the end of the hallway, just next to my room.

     I opened the door and soft beeping could be heard coming out of the room. I walked in and announced,"Y/N! I'm home!" 

    I pulled the chair closer to her bed and sat in it

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    I pulled the chair closer to her bed and sat in it. Looking so dearly at my comastate wife, I brush a few strands of hair out of the way. Watching her breathing through the oxygen mask and the liquid dripping into her veins. 

      "I went to your grave today. I spoke to the dead you." I recited what I did just now. I carcress her hair before saying,"It's the death day of the freedom you. The free person who had a part time job, a course in uni, friends, family and also a loving boyfriend." My voice trailed off as I thought back the time when I first met her.

Y/N's Pov

[ Flashback ... ]


   "Y/N!! Over here!" Chang Wook waved me over to the empty seat in the school campus. "Sorry, I'm late, there was a rush hour just now." I explained as I hugged Chang Wook. "Have you seen your bestie's text? She said she will send us the materials over email later on." He asked. "No.. I was rushing." I immediately whipped out my phone and saw the text. 


   After replying, I took out my materials that I wanted to do for this study date with Chang Wook when I felt eyes staring at me. Looking up, I saw a boy around our same age sitting faraway beside 2 older men who looked like they were discussing something. 

     "Y/n....Y/N!" Chang Wook's voice pulled me back from the trance as I looked at him. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

    "Do you know that boy over there?" I asked as I pointed to the boy just now, who is know talking with the older men. "Oh Taehyung, yeah. We are in the same acting club, he is the same year as you. Rumor has it that his uncle knows the dean of this school. He is a pretty talented and smart guy. Whatever u ask him to do, he is able to do it." He explained before returning to his work.

   I glanced back to the Taehyung guy before shoving down the discomfort feeling and return to my studies.

Taehyung's Pov

[ Present ... ]

     "You were the only one wearing so white that I caught my eye to fall in love with you that day." I said while being memerised in my thoughts. "And of course I have to remove the problem than is getting in the way of our love, but he already posion your thoughts. I was so scared of losing you at that time."

 Y/N's Pov

[ Flashback ... ]

      I held the knife with both of my hands and tried to stabbed the devil in front of me. The devil that killed the love of my life, manpulated my friends and family. "Stop Y/N, you will get hurt." He hushed. I broke away from him and screamed, "WHERE IS MY BABY? GIVE ME BACK MY CHILD YOU MONSTER!!" I shouted as I tried attacking again. 

        Just 2 years ago was happily married, had a baby boy. Till this man entered back in my life a year ago and forced me to marry him. When he killed Chang Wook, he had claimed to take away my child and would never tell me where he is. "Please Y/n, put the knife down, You hurt yourself and our kid." He begged. I stopped attacking him and looked down crying. Such an irony, I never knew where is my child and here I am pregnant with his.

      It irked me to think that there is even a bit of his DNA in my stomach. "Since you won't tell me where is my child, I KILL THIS ONE!" I shouted and ran to the hallway. 

     As I was about to step onto the stairs, I was hugged from behind. "NO! NO! You can't do that, you'll can hurt and I do not want anything to happen to you!" He exclaimed as he hugged even tighter.

    "LET GO!" I shouted before I stepped on his foot and turn around to kick him away. But as I did that, I forget that I was already on the edge of the staircase. I saw the shock in his eyes as him and I fell backwards. He fell onto the cold hard floor and immediately sat up as he watch me roll down the stairs. Crashing into the pillar that dropped the vase onto my head that it was holding up.

Taehyung's Pov

[ Present ... ]

         I smiled with the hint of evil meaning and said, "You actually managed to do it. Not that the kid actually matters, I killed the parasite that you and that fucker made. All that matters is that I have you. And now, you can never be separated from me." 

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