My Leader [BTS RM]

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{ BTS RM × SNSD Taeyeon }

RM's Pov

       My notification beep as I ran across from the living room to my room with Taehyung judging me from the kitchen. I immediately on and unlock my phone, went straight to Instagram and saw my queen posted.

        I smiled at the post with a sudden hardness

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        I smiled at the post with a sudden hardness. 'It's okay, Im gonna see her soon.' I thought. I off my phone and went to my closet with a lock on it. Opening it, was all my merchandise of girls generation from when the debut. But mainly Taeyeon Noona's merch. "Namjoon ah!!" I heard Seokjin hyung screaming from the kitchen.

          I closed back the closet and locked it. Before going to help Seokjin hyung in the kitchen. I smirked to myself about how its going to plan.

[ The Next Day ]

        It was my off day, so I blended with the other Sones and headed for Taeyeon Noona's UNSEEN Concert. I held my Soshi Bong tightly. 'I can't wait' I thought. "Hey, are you watching Taengoo's Concert." I was asked by random Sone girl with her friends. I nodded my head behind my mask and they giggled.

        I heard them whispered,"He is so handsome." I grinned. "Where are you all sitting?" I asked. Another girl from their clique said," VVIP Seats, You?" I clenched my fist and calmed myself internally. "How about I make a deal with you?" I asked. They gave me a questionable look. "Are you guys ARMYs too?" I asked again.

        It took a moment before they started squealing. "Are you kidding??? Of course we are!!!" One of the girls shouted. I grinned and said, "How bout one of yall trade with me one VVIP Seat, and I'll give you VVIP Ticket to BTS's lastest Fansign?" Without any hesitation, they agreed. We exchanged tickets and I head to the concert hall.

[ Time Skip ]

      The concert kick off to a start and I was enjoying every second of it. I felt like my heart was about to explode, considering how close am I to her. Suddenly, The red lights came on as the trumpet played. I knew what song was coming on and I screamed as loud as possible.

The other song that caught my outmost attention was Into The Unknown, where she dressed up like a beautiful Ice Princess.

       In the end, the concert had to end with one of the most recent songs. Which was one of my favourite, Dear Me.

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