Prancing Pony

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The gatekeeper lets us in the gate as the rain pours and drenches us. I keep my hood up so no one could see my ears. We walk through the wet, dirty crowd as Frodo sees the Prancing Pony.

We walk inside and we feel the warm air from the fire. Frodo walks up to the man at the bar.

"Excuse me."

"Good evening little masters, if your looking for some room, I have some nice accommodations for you lot. Mister um..."

"Underhill, my name is Underhill." Frodo lies "We are friends of Gandalf."

"Gandalf? Gandalf... Oh I remember him, old fella, nice grey beard and a pointy hat, I haven't seen him for six months."

I look to him in shock, Gandalf isn't here.

"He'll be here, Sam. He'll come."

I looked around the pub while taking a sip from my drink. Merry comes over with a big bottle of beer.

"What is that?"

"This my friends is a pint!" Merry says eyeing his pint.

"It comes in pints?!" Pippin says looking over at the bar. "I'm getting one!"

"But you've already have one!" Sam tries but fails.

"That fella done nothing but stare at us since we got 'ere"

Frodo and I look over to the man in a hood. He smokes a pipe.

"Excuse me." Frodo calls on the bartender " Who is that?"

"He's one of them Rangers. Dangerous folk they are, wandering in the wilds, his name of never heard of, around here, He's known as a Strider."

I look back over at the man, he lights his pipes and the light makes his eyes show, the rest of his face is hidden.

"Something feels right about him." I say.

"What would you know?" Sam asks

"Did you never learn about elves?" I say turning to him. "All elves have this thing of when something is right we can sense it."

He shrugs and I hear Pippin over at the bar.

"Baggin? Yeah, I known a Baggin. Frodo Baggin, over there!" Pippin says waving to Frodo. "He's my second cousin, one removed on his mother side.."

Frodo looks away and grab a hold of the Ring before going off to Pippin.

Frodo runs up to Pippin to stop him. 

"Pippin!" Frodo grabs on to him to try and stop him.

"Steady on will ya!" Pippin pushes him off and Frodo trips on someone shoe and fall.

The rings leaves his hand and flies in the air. The Strider sits up and when Frodo tried to grab it it slipped onto his finger and he disappeared.

Sam and Merry looked in shock, Pippin turned to face the bar as he sees what he just did. I leave my seat to try and look for Frodo, anything knock over or make marks. I then see Frodo appear but the Strider gets to him first. He takes him up stairs.

I go to get Pippin, Sam and Merry.

I barge in the door of the strider, my sword meets his in a small clash, Merry, Sam and Pippin all had, some sort of weapon.

"Back off or I'll have you on shanks!" Sam says as he puts his fists up.

"You have heart." The Strider say putting his sword away, I do the same. "But that will not save you."

Time Skip - Later at Night

I sit across from the Strider looking into his eyes, I stare at him for a while, he barley moves. His eyes move to mine and we lock eyes for a few seconds before I turn my gaze outside. He is still looking at me, I feel a slight blush come to my cheeks and I try to push it out.

Screams of the Dark Riders echo though the night. Sam, Pippin and Frodo now awaken.

I hear mumbles of words coming from the Strider and Frodo. I try to listen but I'm too focused on the Strider, I watch him speak, but I hear no words. I feel butterflies in my stomach, I am aware of what's happening and I try to look away but I cant. I manage to break out of the chance.

"They will never stop coming for you."

Aura Thranduilion | Legolas's Sister | Lord of the Rings | Fan Fiction |Where stories live. Discover now