The Fellowship of the Ring

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The Fellowship gathered to an old stone archway and bid good bye to Rivendall. Aragorn, Sam and I stood by Bill the pony. Boromir stood next to Legolas while Merry and Pippin stood in front of them. Frodo stood in front of Bill the Pony, slightly away from the rest of the group. Gandalf stood under the stone arch.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid, to go further than your will." Elrond spoke sternly.

"Farewell, hold to your purpose. May the blessing of Elves and Men and all free folk go with you." Elrond spoke with a bit more kindness.

Elrond indicated to the arch leading out of Rivendell with the spreading of his arms. Legolas, Aragorn and I bow our head with out hand upon our hearts.

"The Fellowship of the Ring-bearer." Gandalf said.

Frodo turns looking at each of his companions and walks forward uncertainly towards the exit of Rivendell.

"Morodr, Gandalf. Is it left or Right?" Frodo whispered to Gandalf.

"Left." Gandalf whispered at the same volume.

The Fellowship departed from beneath the old archway. Aragorn by my side. We travelled though lush woods, over bushy plains and mountain, hillsides. After two weeks of walking and resting, we find a small space to rest for a while.

"We must hold this course west of the misty mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there our road turns east to Mordor." Gandalf said laying out the basics.

Gandalf sat on a rock that overlooked the Fellowship as he smoked his pipe. Sam was cooking over a fire. When he finished he climbed up on a rock besides Frodo, who was watching Boromir spar with Pippin, and I was sparring with Merry.

"Two, one, five. Good. Very Good." Boromir said with each move of the sword.

Aragorn sat nearby, smoking a pipe, like Gandalf.

"Move your feet." Aragorn spoke encouraging the hobbits.

"You look good, Pippin." Merry praised his friend, while I stop sparring him for a moment.


"Okay, how about I spar with Aura." Boromir said as he lowered he sword from Pippin.

"That's not gonna be fair." I said turning to him.

"Okay, I'll do it with one hand behind my back." Boromir spoke putting his left hand behind him.

"Alright, but it's still not fair." I say walking over to my bag. "To make it fair, I will put on a blindfold."

I put on the blindfold and my sight becomes black. "And with one hand behind my back." I say as I move my hand behind me.

"Suit yourself." Boromir says as I hear him come at me.

I put my sword up and I hear the clank of metal, I begin fighting with him, I twirl my sword around him and point my sword at his face, I also knock him down on the ground. As I take my blindfold off, he is staring at me with a whole load of confusion.

I sheathed my sword and reach my hand out to pull him up. During the fight with Boromir, Gandalf and Gimli spoke. Legolas noticed something in the south.

Boromir goes back to fight Pippin, but Boromir accidently nicks his hand.

"Ow!" Pippin cried as he dropped his sword and raised his hand.

"Sorry!" Boromir frantically apologizes as he rushes forward.

Seeing his friend get nicked, Merry rushes forward to kick Boromir's shin.

Aura Thranduilion | Legolas's Sister | Lord of the Rings | Fan Fiction |Where stories live. Discover now