Walk in the Forest

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At one night's rest, I could not sleep. Aragorn was taking watch, so I went in the other direction, I just went for a little walk. I went straight so I would know my way back. I listened to sound of the animals, but as I was walking, I also heard another one's footstep. I didn't have my sword or any weapon with, me so I turned around with a kick. But the person I saw somehow stopped the kick, he was an old man, a wizard, his eyes as black as the night, his eyebrows looked as matted as the night.

"Who are you?" I asked standing my ground.

"My dear child, I am Saruman." He spoke.

"Saruman, Gandalf has spoken of you, you tried to kill us and you're with Sauron!" I said trying to throw in a punch.

But the old man somehow dodged the kicks and the throws. He held his staff up to me and chanted some words. I felt pain shoot throw my body like wildfire. I screamed and tried to get out of the way, but with every squirm the pain got worse, it felt like my body was being turned inside out and then outside in.

I heard cries of my name, Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli must have heard me. I think I also heard Gandalf there as well. I could now hear them running and yelling my name. I saw the blur of them running, Gandalf stopped before Saruman.

"Saruman let her go!" Gandalf said raising his staff.

"Oh, Gandalf. You know the many things I could do to her; besides, I do not think a pretty, little Elf like this should go to waste. I might taker er back to my tower and have some fun." Saruman said, making me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Legolas became angry and be raised his bow and arrow point at Saruman. "Don't you dare touch her!" He yelled.

Saruman grinned and chanted more word making me scream more. I felt as I it was running throw my veins poisoning me. Saruman than disappeared and I dropped to the ground.

Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli surrounded me. When Aragorn bent down to check on me I grabbed his sword and jumped up into the trees away from their view.

"Saruman has controlled her!" Gandalf yelled.

They spilt up and I attacked Gimli first, making him fall to the ground with a thud. I looked up to see Legolas with his sword, he barely uses his sword, but he knows he would kill me if he used his arrows. I smiled and attacked him.

The metal of the swords clanked and I hit him with my sword, he stumbled backwards and I make the sword fly out of his grasp. I heard Aragorn come up behind me, I turn around and the loud bang of metal rang in my ears.

I fought him, he was harder than the other but I got him down on the ground, his sword was in my hand, and I was on top of him, my sword near his neck. I heard Saruman tell me to kill him, but I just looked into his eyes, my breathing became staggered and my hands shaky. I dropped the sword away from him and climbed off him.

My head dizzy and spinning, I used a tree for support, but I missed and fell on the floor, and blacked out.

When I awoke, the four were around me looking at me. Legolas looked so happy when I wakened.

"Aura your awake at last." Gandalf said. "Saruman had taken control over your mind, you are free now."

"Did I hurt anyone?" I ask

"No, not permanently." Gandalf says smiling.

We rode through the forest, I was close to Aragorn, we scanned the forest for any threats. Or anymore sightings of Saruman. We hear familiar voices in the distance. The voices of two hobbits.

"Welcome by god, to Isengard!" Merry announces as he sees us.

"Get down from there!" Gimli snarls

"Aura! We thought you dead!" Pippin says a little bit tipsy.

"Well, clearly I'm not." I say extending my arms a bit.

"We are sitting, enjoying a well earn victory. This salted pork is expectational!" Pippin says

We all chuckled at Pippin.

"Hobbits." Gandalf muttered to himself.

"We under orders, from tree shepherds!" Pippin says

"We have taken over management of Isengard." Merry says simply.

We walk through the murky water to the tree Shepard.

"Young master Gandalf, I was hoping at you'd come.. The murky water, fighting Sauron. Saruman is locked in his tower."

"Saruman is one to be a runner from a fight he cannot win." Gandalf said

"Oh lets get this over with." Gimli says

"No, he has no power anymore." Gandalf replies.

"The built of Saruman is washing away." The Tree Shepard says.

Pippin notices something in the water. He jumps down to get it, I follow him.

"Pippin!" Aragorn says

Pippin ignores him and picks up a ball, a black one. I touch it and hold it in my hand, before Pippin takes it again.

Gandalf comes up behind us and asks for the ball.

"Pippin, Aura, I'll take that now." Gandalf takes the ball from Pippins hands. Pippin is a little bit cautious to give it to Gandalf but he gives it to him eventfully.

Nightfall arrives. Legolas and Aragorn have the first watch, the others are sleeping. Aragorn comes up to Legolas and I.

"The enemy's eye watches closely." Legolas says as he senses something

Aragorn comes up next to us, I grab hold of his hand.

Suddenly I see an eye, an orange and black eye, staring at me, I then see Pippin screaming but nothing is coming out of his mouth, I stumble to the ground.

Aragorn and Legolas rush to help me. "Its here!" I say as I frantically run into the room, Pippin is on the ground, Merry in shock and Gandalf just awake.

I run to take the ball off Pippin. The second I grasp it, I feel like I'm having a fit, I yell and fall to the ground, Aragorn and Legolas grabbed me, and I dropped the ball, Gandalf throws a cover over it.

"Fool of a Took!" Gandalf yells. But when he sees Pippin, he pushes Merry out of the way, Pippin then gasps for air and what Gandalf feared was no more. They spoke a few words, I could not hear, but my hearing came back after a while.

"There was a white tree. It was dead. Fire." Pippin said taking in air. Legolas, Aragorn and I came up behind Gandalf.

"And what did you tell it about Frodo and the Ring?" Gandalf asked.

Time Skip – Next day

Gandalf and the King argue about whether or not to come to the aid of those who need us. I don't know I don't listen. Merry and Pippin leave with Gandalf, after a short while Aragorn follows them I do the same.

Merry is running up a watchpoint, Aragorn is running after him and I am running after him. Merry pushes past a guard, the guard watches Merry for a few seconds before going back up the tower. Aragorn and I than push past the guard, and he is confused again.

Merry stands looking out of the watch tower, he is watching Gandalf and Pippin ride away. To Gondor probably, Aragorn places a hand on Merry's shoulder. Gandalf's cape flys back draping over the horse as they ride away.

Gandalf and Pippin begin their long journey to Gondor. 

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