The Walls of Moria

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I was helped to walk to the entrance of the mines, my and Legolas's healing words helped a bit, I was able to walk, sort of. But the Icicle was taken out and the bleeding stopped. They set me down on a rock and Aragorn sat near me checking my wounds.

"Will she be alright?" Pippin asked.

"I'll be fine as long as you don't start any trouble." I say,

Pippin laughed at this as he was one to make trouble.

"It will heal in a few days' time." Aragorn saying looking into my eyes.

I look back into his, his sky-blue eyes. After a while we look away and Gimli comes up to me.

"You know in my land, we Dwarfs look alike, even the women look alike, you can hardly tell us apart!" Gimli starts a conversation.

I look to Aragorn in confusion as Gimli continues talking. Aragorn imitates a beard and I give a little giggle. I grab my side as it hurt when I did. Aragorn reaches to my hand and holds it in his. I give off a little blush and we all turn to Gandalf.

He says a few words in Elvish but I cannot be bothered to listen. My side hurts like hell, and a hot ass man if helping me, holding my hand. Gandalf is not able to open the door to the mine of Moria. We sit out for a while, my side is not hurting as much as it was before, I am able to walk around without any help. Gandalf is uttering words to the passage, but it won't open. Gimli is talking about Dwarfs and his home. Merry and Pippin suddenly start throwing rocks in the water. I race over to them to stop them throwing more rocks in. Aragorn gets to Pippin first and I get to Merry.

"Don't disturb the water."

The water ripples but it doesn't stop. It continues in its path not getting smaller or slowing down.

"It's a riddle." Frodo says standing up to the doorway. "Gandalf what's the word for friend in Elvish?"

"Mellon..." Gandalf said out loud.

The doorway of Moria suddenly opens the slightest bit. Gandalf pushes past it and it opens fully. We walk inside and Gandalf puts a light on his staff. We walk inside. Gimli speaks of him home and his cousin but I barely make out what he is saying due to the echoes of the cave.

Gandalf blows on his staff and the light grows making it clear to see in the cave. The bodies and skeletons of Warriors are left on the ground scattered.

"And they call it a mine! A Mine!" Gimli says looking at the bodies.

"This is no mine." Boromir said "It's a Tomb."

The bodies of the skeletons somehow got bigger and more creepier. Frodo and the hobbits began to panic. Gimli looked around and saw that they were Dwarf bodies.

"No! No!" Gimli said kneeling to one of the Dwarfs.

Legolas picked up one of the arrows and examined it. "Goblins." He said as he threw it away. Gimli was yelling 'no!'

Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir and I took out our weapons ready to attack.

"We should never of come here. Now get out of here! Get Out!" Boromir yelled.

The four hobbits backed away slowly as Frodo fell and was taken by some sort of sea monster.

"Frodo!" The hobbits yelled

"Strider!" Sam yelled.

Aragorn looked behind him and ran towards them, I also ran. Merry used his sword on the creature before is knocked all of them over and picked up Frodo and took him way out of reach.

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