Riders of Rohah

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I woke up with a sudden jolt and relived faces from Merry and Pippin.

"Oh thank the Shire." Merry says.

I look around and see Orcs everywhere, there chopping down the trees of a forest, snarling and growling.

"Where are we?' I ask

"I don't know." Pippin answers.

A strange growl from the forest is overheard by the cuts of the trees.

"What's making that noise?" Pippins asks

I look up and realise what forest it is. A dangerous forest, one should not cut trees down.

"It's the trees." Merry says.

"We shouldn't be here." I say.

The hobbits talk about there old stories, and folk tales about the forest.

"Im hungry!" And orc yells "We haven't had anything other than maggoty bread for three sticking days!"

"Yea! Why can't we have some meat!" An pointy faced orc replies. It Turns to look at us and its face become hungry. "What about them? There fresh!"

"They are not for eating!" An taller and bigger Orc says.

It picks us up and drags us away.

"What about the Elf? Or there legs? They don't need them and the pretty little Elf looks like dessert!" An older Orc says.

""Get back scum!" The taller Orcs says as he pushes the older orc away.

A small fight begins and the taller orc takes off another Orc's head.

"The fight be better than the menu boys!"

The orcs start growling and fighting, attacking the dead Orc for its meat.

"Pippin! Aura! Lets go!" Merry says as he make our way out of the fight.

We don't get far until, the pointy faced Orc shows up again pinning me down.

"No one to call for help." The orc says as it grabbed Merry's face. "Squeal, no one gonna save you now!"  

It held a knife up about to stab Pippin, before an arrow comes to it back, It yells and the Orc's take notice of the raid of horses and men coming their way.

"Pippin!" Merry yells "Aura!"

They men start battling the horses, I find an arrow in the ground and I go to take off my bound when I stand up I can't see Merry or Pippin, I run around looking for them. When I find them again, Pippin is about to be stepped on by a horse, I dove for him and take him out of the way of the horse.

I drag them both over to an axe in the ground and they untie their bounds. 

"Go! Get out of here!" I yell.

"What about you!" Merry yells.

"You thought I was friendlier in the Shire!" I said as I grabbed a sword and started to battle to Orcs.

When the battle ended, a swarm of horses and men circled me.

"Who are you?" A man asked.

"I am Aura, of the woodland realm,  the rest Is my own business." I say looking at the man.

"Well, Aura, I would like to thank you for your help." The man says.

"Do you have a horse?" I ask

The man whistled "Elodie!"

A black horse came up and the man handed the reins to me "This horse meet a better fate then it's master."

I took the horse and mounted it. The man also mounted his horse.

"Thank you." I said before riding off.

Third Person POV

"The red sun rises blood has been spilled on this night." Legolas says as he notices the sun.

Gimli, Aragorn and Legolas run past the hills and they come to a halt when they heard the noises of hooves. Aragorn and Legolas rush behind a rock and Gimli takes a little more time. They watch the horses run by, Riders of Rohan.

Aragorn steps out from the rock and calls to them "Riders of Rohan! We wish to hear news!"

The leader turns his horses and the other follow, they circle the three and point spears at them.

"What business does a Man, and Elf and an Dwarf have?" The leader asks "Speak quickly."

"Give me your name, horse master. And I shall give you a piece of my mind." Gimli says.

The leader drops from his horse and walks to Gimli. "I would cut of your head with my sword, if it stood a little higher from the ground."

Legolas prepared his bow with an arrow and pointed it at the leader. "You would be dead before your sword drops."

The spears all pointed at Legolas.

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathrone. This is Gimli, son of Gurion and Legolas of the Woodland realm. we are friends of Rohan, and your king." Aragorn says

"Our king no longer recognisees, me, not even his own king. Sauron has poisoned the mind of the kingdom and over these lands. My group is the only loyal of Rohan left. And for that we were banished. The white Wizard is cunning, he is an old man, hooded, cloak, and everywhere his spies hunt." The leader says

"We are not spies, we travel across the west wood plain, the Orc's have taken our friends."

"The Orc's were slaughtered last night."

"But there were two hobbits and and Elf, did you see anyone?" Gimli asked hopeful.

"The Elf is my sister, did you see the Elf?" Legolas asks.

"The hobbits would be small, only children's sized." Aragorn explains.

"We left none alive, the Elf rode off with one of our horses, no hobbits, we piled the bodies and burned them." The leader pointed to the smoke rising in the east.


"I'm afraid so." The leader said

Legolas put a hand on Gimli, he was a small bit thankful that his sister lived.

The leader whistled and two horse came there way. He gave the horse to the trio. He told them not to be hopeful, but they might be alive.

Aragorn rode alone, Legolas rode with Gimli. They stopped at the fire and saw the burned Orc's one of there head lay on a stick.

"It's one of their belt's" Gimli said as he searched the fire.

Aragorn yelled and kicked a helmet. He then saw markings on the ground that were proved to be, life from the hobbits.

The hobbits lived.

Aura Thranduilion | Legolas's Sister | Lord of the Rings | Fan Fiction |Where stories live. Discover now