Boromir's Last Battle

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We stood upon some Elves as they gave us a cloak. A cloak of which could hide us from the enemy. Almost make us invisible.

"Never before have we clamed strangers from the garden of our own people." An elf said as they all stepped away at the same time. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

As we packed up the boats to leave Legolas and I gave Merry and Pippin's boat more food. They looked at us in confusion.

"Lemwrathin, Elvish wine bread." Legolas said as he took a bite of the bread. "One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man."

Pippin and Merry both looked impressed as we climbed in a boat.

"How many did you have?" Merry asked Pippin.

"I had four." Pippin said as he farted.

As we left in the boats, the queen of their land waved us a goodbye, or waved Frodo a goodbye. I sat in the boat with Aragorn, Frodo and Sam. Pippin and Merry gave me funny looks.

While going down the river quiet and distance twig snaps and running noise could be heard. I looked amongst the trees to try and find something, but the tree branches were too great. I looked to Legolas, his head snapped towards the trees, he heard something. A crow flew out of the tree cawing.

We came across a rocky path.

"Look, long have I desired to look upon the kings of old, my king." Aragorn said as we all marveled at the great statures.

As we came across a waterfall, we turned to the side and pulled to boats up on shore.

"When nightfall comes, we cross the lake, we hid the boats and continue on foot, we approach Mordor from the north." Aragorn says

"Oh yes?" Gimli says. "Just a simple map of finding our way through razor sharp rocks and after that it gets even better!"

Legolas and I peered through the woods, something wasn't right. Something or someone was here, watching us or coming to us.

"Pestering fire and smoke stinking."

"That is our road, I suggest you get some rest to recover your strength."

Gimli scoffs and walks away, Legolas goes to Aragorn and I still peer into the forest.

"I suggest we leave now." Legolas says.

"No, we leave the boas on the shore and we take cover in the darkness." Aragorn disagrees.

Legolas begins to whisper so that the others couldn't hear him. Merry set down a couple of twigs and sticks in the fire.

"Where's Frodo?" Merry asked as Frodo was nowhere to be seen.

We all looked around for Frodo, as he was not found. Sam jumped up from his resting and looked for him.

We all hear sudden yells and loud noises, Boromir is yelling.

"Go." Aragorn says as he run to the noises.

We all split in different ways; I follow Aragorn. We run through the woods to an open plain with some sort of structure.

"Frodo?" Aragorn asks Frodo as we step into view.

"It took Boromir." Frodo says as he jumps to his name.

"Where is the Ring?" Aragorn asks

"Stay away!" Frodo yells as he scrambles to his feet.

"Frodo." I say as I go after him.

He backs away behind a pillar as me and Aragorn come to him.

"I sore to protect you." Aragorn says.

"Can you protect me from yourselves." Frodo asks.

Frodo opens his hand to reveal the Ring.

"Would you destroy it?"

Aragorn and I walk to towards him, Aragorn goes to touch the ring but instead he closes Frodo's hand.

"Frodo, I would go with you to the end." Aragorn says

"To very fires of Mordor." I say.

Aragorn releases Frodo's hand.

"I know." Frodo says "Apart from the others, especially Sam,"

I look down to Frodo's sword, as does Aragorn, we step back and take out our sword, Frodo opens his sword a little bit to reveal the glow.

"Go! Run!" Aragorn and I say.

Frodo takes off as the Orcs arrive. We walk towards them ready for battle.

"You have to go." Aragorn says to me quietly.

"Why?" I ask as the Orc come closer.

"Frodo can't do this alone." He says as the first Orc attacks.

I slay two Orcs before I run off to help Frodo. I hear the clashes of metal as Aragorn fights the Orcs. An Orc screams 'Find the Halflings! Hide the halflings!'.

I run faster and I see Frodo running away, I see Frodo fall over and I run to help him up. Aragorn fights the Orc's behind us. I pull Frodo behind a tree stump, hiding him from the Orc's.

I listen and watch them run past.

"Frodo! Aura!" Pippin yell-whispers.

I look over to see Pippin and Merry hiding behind a log. They signal for us to come over, but we stay put. There faces tell us that they know. Pippin doesn't want it to happen and he jumps from his hiding spot as the Orc's come running.

"Hey! Over here! Over here!" Merry and Pippin yell as they run for it.

Frodo and I make another run for it. I look over my shoulder and see Merry and Pippin being surrounded my Orcs.

"Frodo run and don't look back!" I yell as I turn to help them.

I see Boromir save them from an Orc and I take the other side I fight some of the Orcs. I stab them and Throw them off the same bridge Merry and Pippin are on, I tell them to move and they do, I follow them. Boromir blows his horn over and over, as he needs help.

"Miss Aura!" Pippin yells.

"Yeah!" I yell as I fight the Orcs.

"You seemed a lot friendly in the Shire!" Pippin yells

I smirk at his comment, Pippin is an idiot, a brave idiot.

Boromir blows his horn again. And more Orcs come down the hill.

"Run!" Boromir yells as the Orcs come into view.

A big Orc with a white hand print on his face walks slowly into view, Boromir and I don't notice. The Orc has a crossbow. And he's aiming at Boromir.

The Orc shoots and hit Boromir in the chest. I freeze and stare at him, he falls to his knees before yelling and stabbing more Orcs. The Orc shoots again and get him. Boromir continues fighting, I snap out of the trance as an Orc come to attack me. I fight and try to get to Boromir, but he is struck three times.

Merry and Pippin go to attack to Orcs but they are taken. I goes to get them out but and Orc hits me on the head with a shield. 

Everything goes black.

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