chapter 5

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All quarrels have their good moments.

"You could've told me that, not injure me," Anakin grunts. He seemed to dislike me a bit more because of this, I didn't mind seeing him aggravated with me, after all we had no obligation to be cordial. Sure, it was the mature thing to do, but this was pretty harmless compared to what I could've done.

"You're a tough learner, at least it's one way to shut you up."

"Alright, y/l/n, maybe I'll be able to teach you one day."

I grew slightly upset at the subject. "The day I'll allow you to teach me will be the day you act your age. So if that's a goal, I'd suggest you to stop getting on my last nerve."

"I'm afraid that day will come sooner than you think," he remarks playfully. I hope he realizes soon that it's in our best interest to not play the power dynamic, I wouldn't want either of us to act out of greed for their own sake.

"I think it's time for you to go back to your quarters," I say, expecting a simple agreement.

"Actually," he retorts. I immediately turned and stopped in my tracks, he better not say anything to antagonize me or my lightsaber might not be on my belt for long. "I believe Obi-Wan asked me to stay with you, for security reasons and all."

And the day only gets worse, first I can't even study under a trained Jedi, now I have to stay with the person purposefully annoying me for the past hour? "Did he say that or are you making it up?"

He stared down at me, making direct eye contact for what felt like too long before continuing, which made me sense the mood, he was being serious. "Y/n, I hope you know that this wasn't my call to make, I feel about as uncomfortable as you."

I fully stared at him, with a sour expression on my face. "Good to know."

I walked off towards my accommodation, well, our accommodation now. I hated to admit that he was right about so many things, and it caused me more unease.

I unlocked it and entered the common room, thank Force for the spare bedroom or these next few days would be torture.


Anakin entered shortly thereafter and quickly found said spare bedroom, he sat on the bed and closed his eyes, I assumed to meditate or maybe just calm down. It didn't take long before he got up and came back to the common room.

"I must go to my quarters and retrieve my belongings,"—which, for a Jedi, consists of only our day robes, nightclothes, and other personal items—"it will not take long."

I was preoccupied with dusting off my lightsaber, barely paying attention to him. "Well, you should get going before it gets too late."

He somehow used the Force to turn my head in his direction, to lift me from my distraction. "I think it would be best if you came with me."

My whole body then turned, willingly this time, wondering why I couldn't just catch a break. "Fine. Stay civilized, please."

He was about as surprised as me when I said this. "You have my word."


We walked closer to the center of the temple this time.

I tried to stay as silent as possible to not attract attention, however, he did not. "I'm sorry about how I acted earlier, I assure you my intentions were not negative."

I knew he wasn't expecting forgiveness, and that it wasn't important, so I simply accepted the apology.

"You were right about a lot of things," I admit, "my self-awareness is something I must be more mindful of, I apologize for that as well." Finally saying these things put me at ease, knowing we could be honest was a relief.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you from the Alderaan system by any chance?"

I was surprised by the question. "From what I've heard, yes." This answer seemed to confuse him even more.

"From what you've heard? You don't know your own home planet?" I stood beside him, awkwardly recalling that he never experienced what I and other Force-sensitive children went through.

"I know it, but I don't remember Alderaan from my own memories. Scouters for the order took me from my parents when I was only a baby, so I have no memory of my time there, and I haven't been back since."

His tone becomes sympathetic. "I can't believe that would've happened, I thought the Jedi were above stealing children from their homes."

I cross my arms. "From what I heard of my parents, they were dirt poor and well compensated by this organization, and recognized what an honour it was for their child to train in this temple," I counter. "The Jedi raised me, I don't know what I could've done without them."

He looked back down to his feet and reflected on the thought. "I guess you're right, I would be lost without the Jedi also, without them I would..." he pauses, thinking of what he was about to say, saving his words, not to be heard by someone who he barely knew. "I think it's best we save this discussion for another time."

"I agree," I say. With that, we arrived at an apartment somewhat similar to mine, but bigger, probably to accommodate someone else as well.

I voluntarily carried a few robes and we started walking back. "I wonder why we couldn't have just stayed in your quarters."

"Obi-Wan would have wanted you to be more comfortable, so I think staying in your own space will optimize that." I took in the information, though part of my mind wondered if he would want me to be comfortable as well, not only his teacher.

"I can't wait to meet him, he sounds like his old master." I think it was an easy connection to make that I knew Qui-Gon Jinn, and he knew that.

"He is, well at least I think so, sometimes it's hard to tell."


Back at my place, he quickly put everything in place and I checked the time, we had about an hour before lights out.

I stood quietly in front of the window in my bedroom, then closed my eyes and meditated for a moment, wishing my master success or at least survival on her mission. I didn't hang over my own situation at all, I knew I had to accept things as they are and risking change could bring consequences my way, so I chose to just deal with things as they came along.

My mind began to clear, until I felt a shift in energy enter the room, forcing me out of my meditative state. "Why are you here, Anakin?" I question, still facing the window.

"Oh, sorry, should I go?"

I turn around to face the doorway "You can stay, I'm just wondering why you're here."

He smiles politely. "Just making sure you're alive."

I chuckle. "I think I should be doing that, sleep well, Padawan."

"You too, kid."

"Don't call me that," I grunt.

"Fine, I'll see you in the morning."

I'm glad we ended the day on good terms, sort of. Tomorrow's training will probably be odder than usual, but isn't that best for learning experiences?

I then got ready to sleep, noticing I only had about fifteen minutes, I rushed to change into my nightclothes. I sat on my bed, meditating again, this time not ignoring my personal issues.

I seem to have misjudged the boy I must study with, however he still isn't exactly likeable. I think I'm growing more impatient to actually have a master who can teach me things like Adi did. I knew she would be back, I trusted the Force, and it told me in return that I would see her again.

Sleep engulfed me slowly, resting my eyes, muscles, and the rest of my body on nothing, I must have fallen unconscious by the time curfew came around. I slept quite well, though I was restless through parts of the night, feeling blinks of shifting energy around me, waking me, before letting me go. Then it went on again and again, perhaps I was just unadjusted to not having my master, or maybe it was but a dream...

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