new book announcement + preview

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Hello everyone! 

I am currently working on a new Anakin Skywalker story titled Daughter of Shadows. This is NOT a reader-insert story - the protagonist is an original character of mine and the premise of the book was actually pitched back in chapter 77, so feel free to check it out! 

Here's an excerpt from the first chapter of Daughter of Shadows. Let me know what you think of it :)

Chapter 1

There is no one definition of a villain.

Some are cold and callous, hidden in lairs and brewing secret plans for eternity. Some are excellent liars and tricksters; these may even be heroes until they begin unveiling the truth. Some act solely on impulse and pay for it dearly in failure.

Some are not defined by vague stereotypes. Some have their own stories.

But one universal truth about villains exists: They have cause for their actions. They have felt the pain they inflict on others.

They do so to protect themselves.


Tonight might be the most crucial night of my existence, and I'm spending it at a bar. A crowded, loud, sweaty room with music and dancers and far too much alcohol. If I had a choice, I would sprint out the front door right now—but I don't have that luxury.

I'm meeting someone for the first time tonight. Whether or not I succeed in this meeting will change my life, for the better or worse.

Momentarily, I consider ordering something. I could distract myself through inebriation and ease my nerves. But then I might also lose my composure and control, which are necessary assets. I ultimately decide against the action.

Something shifts—the barest buzz of energy originating from the gateway.

My mark is here. Now, I must inform him on who he's meeting.

I turn my head to confirm my suspicions. I've never seen him before—neither in person nor through holos—but his clothing gives me enough clues to confirm my suspicions. Dark brown, possibly black, robes cover him from neck to ankles, where boots superimpose his outfit. Anyone could recognize Jedi robes this obvious, even without the leather armor; clear mark of a warrior.

Again, I turn back to my initial position. Staring isn't polite, after all.

That whirr in the air becomes stronger and stronger, until my peripheral vision sees him occupy the stool beside me. I shift again, and look him up and down—from head to toe. Although he believes I'm merely admiring his looks, I am using this maneuver to ascertain his current position.

"Can I help you?" he asks coyly once I'm finished.

"Can I?" I retort. "You are the stranger who just sat next to me, after all."

His gloved hands rest on the bar surface. "Fair enough," he says. "You can help me by telling me your name."

My response is almost immediate. "I'm Celia."

"Celia," he repeats slowly, nodding and taking in the name. "It's nice to meet you, Celia. You have a beautiful name."

My lips become a smile. "Aren't you flattering? What's your name, stranger?"

Don't tell me, I already know, I wish I could say, only to laugh at his gullibility.

"Skywalker," Anakin says, reaching out his hand. "Anakin Skywalker."

I take his hand; we shake. We detach. "It's nice to meet you, Skywalker."

He jerks his head to the space behind the bar. "You want something to drink?"

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