chapter 24

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Intentions seem unclear to outsiders.

As soon as our cruiser arrived in the Teth system, Anakin and I checked in with our scouts, alongside R2-D2.

"Lieutenant, did the kidnappers see you?" Anakin asks.

The troopers, dressed in camoflage suits, exit their shuttle, which had just landed in the hangar.

"No, sir," one replies. "We're the best scouts in the regiment."

"Any bounty hunters?" I probe. "I heard they were down there."

"I don't think so. We haven't seen them in a while."

"Well, what are we up against?" Anakin crosses his arms, I copy him.

"Looks like at least two droid battalions protecting a monastery." He shows us a hologram of the monastery.

It looks like a B'omarr monastery, but we know better than to trust it, nonetheless. Even with the appearance of an old monastery, we could still be walking into a trap.

"It's heavily fortified, sir," the scout continues, "you won't be able to land there."

"Good work," Anakin remarks. "Get some rest."

Eager to inform her about the latest developpements, we walk across the hangar to Ahsoka, who just so happens to be talking to a handful of our troops.

"That sounds like a lot, even for a Jedi," one of the clones says.

"I heard you were surrounded by droids," another adds. "How did you ever get the shield down?"

I look at Ahsoka, also wondering how they'd have gotten out of there. Obviously, I was busy distracting the general with Master Kenobi, and I didn't take the time to ask Anakin about it later.

Without a moment of hesitation, Ahsoka explains, "Okay, so there's this wall behind him with a hole in the middle, so I pull the wall down on top of the droids," she pushes her hands down, as if emulating the move she had made, "destroying them and saving the general."

Everyone in the small crowd starts laughing, including me. I have to admit, what Ahsoka just described sounds a lot like a move Anakin would make in that situation.

"Is that true, sir?" Rex asks Anakin, who I just now notice isn't laughing.

"Well, most of it." He smirks and walks up into the crowd, with me trailing behind. "All right, men, we still got a job to do."

"Yes, sir. You heard the general, move it!" Rex commands.

The clones complain but oblige nonetheless, leaving Anakin and I alone with Ahsoka. We approach her and all start walking through the hangar.

"Would this be a good time to teach you that a Jedi is humble, my young padawan?" Anakin tells her.

"Come on," I mumble, nudging his arm. "Let her boast a little."

She smiles. "Just trying to keep the boys inspired, is all."


"All right, Anakin, y/n, here's the story," Obi-Wan begins, appearing as a blue figure on Anakin's holoprojector. "Jabba has given us only one planetary rotation to get his son back home to Tatooine safe and sound."

"Won't take us that long, Master," my husband assures.

"Well, take extreme care. We have no idea who's holding Jabba's son. When I've finished negotiations with him, I will join you." The transmission cuts out.

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