chapter 63

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To die outside of battle is not to die in vain.

I walk into Chancellor Palpatine's office as he requested while trying to keep my steps steady.

I still have no idea why he would want to meet with me. I don't run into Palpatine often despite my involvement in the war. In fact, I don't think I've ever been called into his office without Anakin, which makes this visit even more unnerving.

What does the Chancellor want from me?

Perhaps he will as about Ringo Vinda. Tup's breakdown was truly a one-of-a-kind event when it comes to the clones. Everyone involved is baffled by what happened to Tup.

The Chancellor sits before me in a large chair, facing the large, panoramic windows. He expects me to initiate this meeting, which I dread.

I walk up and stop a few meters away from his desk, standing patiently with my hands behind my back. "You wanted to see me, Chancellor?"

His chair swivels around slowly as Palpatine turns to face me. He rests his hands on his desk and shoots me a disconcerting grin. "Yes, my dear. Come here, sit down," the Chancellor says calmly, nodding to one of the seats in front of him

I take a seat near the middle of the formation.

"I have some most unfortunate news."

Chancellor Palpatine stands and makes his way to the window. I stay put and rest my hands on my lap. He told me to sit down, so I will do just that. I will stay seated until further instruction. I do not need to, but I know to be careful, especially around politicians. I do not want to upset the Chancellor.

I take my mind off my posture and think about the Chancellor's announcement. News? I can only assume it is urgent, seeing as I am sitting in his office. I am sitting in the office of the most powerful man in the Republic.

"What is it?" I ask, trying to not be rude. I'd like to insist upon an answer, but that'll get me nowhere, so I stick with a simple question.

"The clone trooper, CT-5385, has died," the Chancellor reports.

I suck in a breath, trying to stop my heart's nervous palpitations. I have failed Tup. And not only have I failed to keep him alive, but I've also failed in giving him an honourable death.

"Do you know the cause?" I ask, thinking this news may bring answers. Master Ti said the Kaminoans wanted to perform an autopsy and search Tup's body for a virus, so maybe they have found something.

"The cause?" Chancellor Palpatine queries, turning around to face me. He looks alarmed by my question. "Was CT-5385 not the one who caused your injury? That has been detailed in your recent mission report."

"Yes, Chancellor," I say quickly, trying to recover, "but—"

"Do you feel remorse, y/n?" the Chancellor interrupts. "Do you feel responsible for this clone?"

I am utterly shocked. He is right. I do feel remorse for not keeping Tup alive, even though that ability is far out of my grasp. I can't save my men from dying, and I have to accept that.

"Yes, I do feel remorseful," I say. Despite my shock, I do let my calm demeanour falter. "Tup fought with the Five-Oh-First. He fought well. I know this incident...wasn't his fault."

Palpatine presses his lips together, considering my statement. "Perhaps," he says. He sits down in his chair calmly. "The medical staff on Kamino have found a tumour in his brain, and it is said its removal killed him. I am having the tumour sent to the Grand Republic Medical Facility, here on Coruscant, to inspect it."

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