chapter 18

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Restraint may be difficult.

The suns beat down on all of us as soon as we walked off the ship's ramp. We hitched a ride and headed to a workshop in the middle of town.

"Wait right there," Anakin orders, talking to the droid that drove us here.

"Okey-okey," it responds.

The three of us walked up to the front of the shop where a Toydarian was fiddling with what I assumed to be a broken droid. 

"Chut-chut, Watto," Anakin calls. Watto must've been the creature's name. 

They had what seemed to be a conversation in the local language, Huttese. Despite learning a great many things in my time as a Jedi, I have yet to learn a single word of Huttese. It never occurred to me that it might come in handy, since I don't often visit Hutt-occupied worlds.

I could only make out a few words, like Jedi, which the Toydarian mentioned after he saw Anakin's lightsaber hilt while he picked up and tried to fix the droid.

Watto dropped a tool and complained when it hit him.

Then Anakin mentioned a name, Shmi Skywalker. I could only assume this was his mother, since there was no one else we'd be looking for with his surname.

"Ani? Little Ani?" the Toydarian questions, in basic this time. Anakin just stares back and puts down the droid, which he managed to fix. "Nahhh. You are Ani! It is you!" Watto laughs and flies up to his level.

He mentioned how much Anakin had grown and the fact that he went on to become a Jedi. There was only one logical explanation to why they knew each other, Anakin had worked for him. The fact that slavery was so normal and rampant in these parts made me extremely uneasy, especially when it involved children.

It's one of the lowest moral lows a being could reach, to willingly sell another person for cheap labour. Worst of all, had it not been for the Jedi, Anakin would've been stuck in that situation. My energy became tense just thinking about it. Watto was a terrible being for hiring such a young child against his will.

Calm down y/n, I'm fine. Anakin's thoughts calmed me a bit. Force knows what I would've done to that little Toydarian if he hadn't stopped me.

Sorry, I got carried away.

Watto eventually told us Shmi was sold to a moisture farmer by the name of Lars, who apparently freed and married her. He also gave us the location of this farmer, Mos Eisley. We went inside and acquired the exact location of what should've been her whereabouts.

With the information needed, I thanked Watto and we got back to the ship.


When we landed outside the farm, R2-D2 tried to follow us. Even though his help may be needed, it's quite risky to bring him inside to meet strangers.

"Stay with the ship, Artoo," I command. None of us knew this place, it might not be safe for an astromech.

The droid returns to the ship.

We walked to a hut that stuck out from the flat, dry ground. Man, I thought the sun on Coruscant was hot, twin suns are nothing but a curse to anyone nearby. Especially with the dark robes draping over my body, it's far from a comfortable warmth.

A rough-looking humanoid droid is standing nearby, and looks towards us in surprise. "Oh! Um, uh, hello," the droid stammers. "How might I be of service? I am C-"

"Threepio?" Anakin interrupts.

"Oh, um-- The maker!" Threepio exclaims, surprised to see Anakin again. I guess when he said he built droids, he meant it. Then again, I don't know why Anakin would lie about that. "Oh, Master Ani! I knew you would return. I knew it! And miss Padmé. Oh, my."

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