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A soft epilogue for the softness in all of us.

I wake up in a soft, warm bed, bundled in messy covers and drenched in sunlight. I hear birds chirping through my window for the first time in years. From this window, I see the outline of a mountain chain on the horizon. I smell something bready and sweet; I take a deep breath to retain the aroma.

My gaze travels to each side of the bed, searching for my husband. He is absent, but this doesn't make me panic like I usually would. He's safe, somewhere in this house.

I step out of the covers and leave our bed in nothing more than underwear and one of Anakin's tunics. I cross the cracked open door and walk through a hallway into the foyer. That's when I see him standing in front of the oven in our kitchen with his back towards me. I tiptoe across the cold tile and, as I approach, slowly wrap my arms around him.

Anakin perks up slightly, surprised by my presence. He exhales and leans into my embrace.

I nuzzle the crook of his neck. "Good morning."

"Good afternoon," he corrects.

My hold on his waist tightens as I sigh. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"Because I didn't want to. You deserve to rest."

I take a moment to appreciate his warm body against mine, the ends of his curls that tickle my forehead, and the softness of his skin beneath my fingertips. I kiss his neck, inhaling his scent. He smells like home.

I groggily look up and observe the stovetop. He is cooking round, golden-brown treats that resemble thin pillows. "Are you making breakfast?" I ask.

Anakin nods. "They're pancakes. I found a recipe for them on the holonet. It said they were easy to make for beginners, and we have all the ingredients for them, so I told myself, Why not?"

I breathe deeply, an easy smile rising on my lips. "They smell good."

He hums as he picks two pancakes off the pan and plops them into a plate. The plate is full of pancakes; I count around a dozen. He seems unbothered by my arms clinging to him as he cooks. He turns a dial on the stove, extinguishing the burner he had been using.

We stand still for a moment. I stare at the plate of pancakes, the product of my husband's kindness, and my eyes water. I stifle a sob as the first wave of tears escapes me.

My arms loosen around Anakin as he leaves my embrace, turning around and cupping my cheek in his hand. His touch causes my face to flush. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks softly.

I sniffle and shake my head. "Nothing."

"Y/n, please..."

"No, really, nothing is wrong," I respond, smiling despite my tears. "I'm overwhelmed... I'm just so happy. This is our life from now on. We don't need to hide or fight for an organization we don't believe in anymore. We're finally allowed to be happy. I don't... I don't know how to take it all in."

Anakin wipes a tear off my cheek with his finger. "I understand. We aren't used to this yet, but one day we will be. One day, we'll wake up with the notion that we don't have any duties or responsibilities beyond caring for and loving each other.

"You struggle with change, so I know this is bound to be hard for you, but I'll be here every step of the way, okay? I'll be here when you want to cry, talk about your feelings, or just when you need a hug. I'm already used to lazy mornings with you, taking walks together to pass the time and talking all night about things that don't matter.

"And I know you aren't used to that yet, and that's okay because I'll be here for you no matter what. You matter more to me than anything in the universe possibly could. If you're ever feeling down, for whatever reason, remember, I love you. Just say the word, and I'll come to help you."

Sometime during his speech, Anakin began to cry, and then I slowly combed my fingers through his hair the way he's grown to adore.

I have nothing left to say. His words have left me speechless. He knows this, so he says nothing else as he wraps his arms around me. The galaxy feels small and insignificant when I'm in his arms because it reminds me of how meaningful our love is.

"I love you," I tell him for the infinite time. I will never tire of saying this. I am a person capable of love; that amazes me. I anticipate telling Anakin how much I love him for the rest of our lives.

I peel open my eyes as my gaze lands on the exact thing that made me cry: the plate of pancakes.

"Hey, I think the pancakes are getting cold."

My remark makes Anakin laugh, so much so it makes me cry harder. Force, do I have to weep about everything nowadays?

"It's okay," he giggles, kissing my head. "I don't care if you cry into your food."

I press my face into his neck again, not so much smothering my tears as allowing them to fall. I wait a few seconds and let the floodgates open, but they dry up. Of course, when I'm finally willing to be vulnerable, my body allows me to return to normality.

Anakin pulls away and smoothes down my hair. He gently lowers his hand and traces the apple of my cheek with his thumb. "I'll get you some tissues, okay? Do you want to take that plate over to the dining table?"

I sniffle and nod, bowing my head so he can kiss my forehead predictably. My husband shoots me a small smile before scouring the house for a box of tissues. I watch him for a minute and think about how cute he looks, running around the foyer and rummaging through drawers for a single box of tissues.

I pick up the plate of pancakes, hoping I won't cover them in tears and snot. I carry them into the small dining room attached to our kitchen, separated from the foyer by a half-wall. I set the steaming plate down and have a seat near the end of the table. This table—which was here when Shri'a gave us the house—is suitable for a family of six. Frankly, I don't think Anakin and I will have four children. One, perhaps two, if the timing is right, is enough for me.

I lay a hand on my belly, feeling the Force signature of our child inside me. I cannot wait for that little mystery human to come out and join us. I discern the distant sensation of my heartbeat through my abdomen, but I also sense something else. A short, faint pressure strikes my lower belly. Then again, that same pressure. Again and again. It must be...

"Ani!" I call out. "Quick, come over here!"

He crashes into some furniture on the way. He runs up to me, laying a hand on my shoulder, panting, "What is it?"

"The baby's kicking," I whisper, afraid I'll startle our child.

Anakin's eyes widen in realization, and he slowly drops to his knees in front of me. He presses his ear against my belly, and his hand follows. My fingers claw through his hair, delicately parting each curl from the last. His breathing picks up rapidly. Something is wrong.

"Ani," I start, causing him to look up at me. Fresh tears brim his eyes. "Everything okay?"

"No... It's..." Anakin is at a loss for words. "I don't think there's only one baby in there. Just now, I felt more than one life form inside your body."

I cannot believe it. "You mean...we might be having twins?"

He smiles, holding back tears. "Yes, I think so."

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