chapter 60

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An adverse action can be committed by an ally. 

It's taken us many planetary rotations to break through the Separatist defences on Ringo Vinda. Well, we know this by observing the planet's position from the space station installed around its circumference. Unfortunately, we have to stay in this sterile environment because this is where Admiral Trench is hiding out. 

I would prefer to capture him. It'll offer us a better strategic advantage against the Separatists if we can gain information from him. That way, we could destroy General Grievous and find Count Dooku, bringing an end to the Separatist onslaught throughout the galaxy.

Anakin would rather kill Trench. It's probably because we've done it before so we can do it again, but after all, he doesn't seem to stay dead. I'm still surprised Trench survived our torpedoes. 

Masters Tiplee and Tiplar—Mikkian twin sisters—are here on Ringo Vinda, aiding Anakin, Caleb, and me in our attack.

"Push forward!" Anakin orders, waving his hand ahead to lead our troops. We continue our assault, deflecting fire from faraway droids and slicing through any that come too close. 

Caleb's gotten better at this since I started training him. He's still very young, and not yet properly trained in using the Force, but it's my responsibility that he gets to that point. It's my responsibility to assure that he becomes a Jedi Knight, and I'll be proud of him once he reaches that rank.

The doors ahead slide open, and we deflect a few more shots of blaster fire before extinguishing our lightsabers. The room has been cleared, and Masters Tiplee and Tiplar have made it through with us. Though this may seem like a victory, we have many more battles to win.

"Remember, everyone, this battle isn't over," I say. "We've still got some ground to cover before we reach Admiral Trench."

Fives takes off his helmet, and Anakin rests a hand on his shoulder. "We have yet to win this battle."

After a few moments of walking, we're in the centre of the room, with the twins, ready to plan the rest of our attack.

"Master Skywalker, Master y/l/n, we must get to the command post," Tiplee says. "Admiral Trench has sent for reinforcements. We must take the post before they arrive."

Anakin and I crouch down to observe the map shown from a holoprojector Rex set up, glancing at each other in thought. I look back at the projection, still considering our options.

"It's time for phase two," Anakin announces, pointing at an oblong room on the map. "We're at this position."

"Tiplar, I'll go with you through this passageway and take a few of my men," I say, whooshing my husband's hand away to show the map more clearly. I point towards the passageway furthest from me and shift my hand to the closest one. "Caleb, you'll do the same with Master Tiplee over here. Anakin, you and Rex will handle the middle corridor."

"So they'll have to divide their forces to counter us," my husband notes.

"Exactly," I say, smirking subtly.

"All right, if we time this right, we'll all converge on this spot at the same time"—he points at a spot at the end of the corridors, some sort of open area—"and the droids won't know what hit them."

"If we're making a run, your forces will need to serve as a backup," Commander Doom, the twins' clone commander, tells me. "My men are severely depleted."

"I'm counting on it," I reply, standing up. "Fives, you and Tup gather ten of your best men to aid me in the attack. Got it?"

"We're on it, sir," Fives guarantees, glancing at Tup, who nods subtly in response. As soon as the hologram fades out, the room disperses.

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