chapter 74

712 22 16

Never trust rumours.

Echo is alive. Supposedly. Possibly.

It's difficult to believe that all the torment his loss caused me might have been for nothing. It seems just as impossible that he could be an algorithm.

An unexpected wave of nausea follows my shock. I struggle to swallow it down, intent on maintaining my composure amid this grim revelation.

Rex coughs, continuing his monologue, "I'd like to run a mission to Skako Minor to investigate the possibility that Echo is alive. I think it might get us closer to destroying this algorithm."

"You'd need the Council's approval for something like this," Anakin says. "Who do you intend to bring with you?"

"I'll take the Bad Batch, and you, Generals, if you're willing."

Anakin and I look at each other, and then at Rex, with puzzled looks.

"The Bad Batch is what Clone Force 99 call themselves."

I would like to come with Rex on this mission, and—other than for providing credible authority—I think that's why he invited Anakin and me to join them. I've explained to Rex that I've known Echo since the Battle of Geonosis when he rescued me from the hangar where we fought Dooku.

"I don't see why the Council wouldn't approve this mission," I state. "We'll send the request right away. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Rex."

Captain Rex nods. "Anything, Sir."

Commander Cody nods as well. They break off toward the main hangar.

"I suppose we should call Obi-Wan," Anakin suggests.

"Yeah..." I say absently, still processing Rex's news.

Echo. Alive. Working for the Separatists. I spent so long blaming myself—and Admiral Tarkin—for his death, although his death never truly happened.

"It might not be true, you know."

"Rex wouldn't lie, he said the algorithm called itself by his number. That's not a coincidence."

"The enemy could be trying to trick us; Trench has done it before."

Admiral Trench, the leader of the Separatist forces on Anaxes, is a master of deception. I don't think he could count every time he's faked his death on his six-arm-like appendages. Nevertheless, if Echo is alive, I won't let a single doubt get in the way of bringing him back to our side.

"Why do you think it's a lie?" I ask accusingly.

"Why do you think it's true?" he asks rhetorically.

Because I want it to be true. I want those years of regret to be worth something. I want to think that every doubt I had, every regret I felt about letting Echo throw himself into a trap, would culminate into something like this. Anakin should understand—he's the one who spent many sleepless nights consoling me about my guilt.

"I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up."

I don't think Anakin means to be condescending, and I understand his point, but I feel as though I'm on the verge of tears. My emotions can usually be tamed when it's necessary, so why can't I seem to get a hold of them now? This frustrates me greatly. My brow furrows despite my attempts to keep these feelings hidden.

"Hey, I didn't mean to hurt you—"

"No, no, it's not you. It's..." I sigh. "I don't know. I feel a little off lately, but it's probably nothing."

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