chapter 16

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Communication is key.

The sun glistened over my skin and birds chirped, waking me up. I slept well last night, the lack of stress from having a slightly more laid-back assignment definitely helped.

I went down to the dining area once I was ready and dressed to find it deserted. I would've thought someone had been up by now. As I started to pace around, Padmé walked in and greeted me. "Good morning, y/n."

She was already in a lacy yellow dress, with her hair done in an intricate updo. I'm honestly in awe every time I see Padmé in one of her intricate outfits, since I don't know how she can bear to wear them constantly.

"Are you the only one up?" I ask. Surely she'd know where Anakin was, and I had the intention to talk to him now, rather than the reluctance I expressed last night.

"Ani got up hours ago," Padmé says. "You might want to check the meadow."

I peeked out the window and, sure enough, saw someone standing in the grass not far from the cottage. "Thank you, Padmé," I thank, attempting to grab a fruit from the bowl in front of me.

"You won't need that." She blocks my hand from moving closer and I listen to the objection, gradually pulling away.


I walk out and go past the lakehouse, to the field of flowers.

I'd recognize Anakin's tall figure with his dark robes anywhere, so I try my best to run in his direction.

He takes notice of my change of pace and runs towards me as well.

I tripped on my own foot when I was a few meters away from him while he uses the Force to hold me still mid-air before running up and catching me.

"Are you alright?" Anakin asks in worry. "How's your foot?"

I kick it up at him, trying to knock him back. As my foot lunges forwards, I let it drop and gradually settle into Anakin's arms, smiling lightly. "I'm fine. How's your chin?" I wonder, rubbing my thumb over the area that got injured almost five years ago, when I tripped him.

"You still remember that?" Anakin chuckles.

"I think I see a mark!" I announce excitedly. I look closer, surely enough, there was actually a small bit of skin that formed a groove, marking the exact spot.

"Oh, really?" he asks, pulling my face up so my eyes met his.

I pushed his shoulder back and we simultaneously stood up. "You're an idiot," I scoff playfully.

"Only when I'm with you."

I thought he would've been more offended by the insult. Given Anakin's, well, large ego, he tends to take things quite personally sometimes.

"I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing," I wonder, still keeping an easy smile on my face.

"I'd put it right in the middle." It's nice that we got off on the right foot today, just like old times. Just like old times, but with an underlining of guilt coursing through my veins.

We walked further and further from the lakehouse, the sound of the waterfalls became louder and louder.

There were large, wild, animals roaming about, they were round, and most of their weight concentrated on their rear. From my years of learning and visiting the archives in the Temple back on Coruscant, I knew the creatures as Shaaks, peaceful animals native to Naboo.

As we neared Anakin's destination, I could see a blanket laid flat on the grass, with a basket that I assumed contained some kind of food. "All this for me? You shouldn't have," I say sarcastically.

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