chapter 10

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Immorality is a point of view.

"Obi-Wan!" Anakin exclaims.

I disengage from my position and help him up, then we walk over to his teacher.

Obi-Wan nods calmly as we stand before him. "Hello, Anakin. And you must be y/n y/l/n."

I nod, confirming the statement. He was exactly as I expected, surprisingly. "Are you here to stay, Master Kenobi?" I ask.

"It appears so, until Master Gallia returns."

I was glad to finally have a proper teacher, though it had only been two days, training with someone so young and arrogant was extremely draining, physically and emotionally.


We got to work right away, starting with my combat forms. Obi-Wan helped me improve my grip and moves, so I don't get hurt and learn to control my lightsaber. I caught on quickly, improving my technique within mere minutes.

My fellow student was just watching us, either genuinely interested or basically mocking me, no in-between. His master then calls him to stand near me, to test our abilities. "Now, I want a controlled fight," he orders. "No nonsense, not here."

I knew he wasn't talking to me, rather to his apprentice, who has clearly ignored these orders before. I activate my blade and Skywalker does the same, for a second, I spin it around in one hand, then place my saber in the grasp of both hands, we bow and he runs to my position.

I manage to twist my weapon into a backwards grip of my dominant hand, which I use to block any incoming attacks. His hits were swift and strong, but no match for my fast instincts and matching movements.

After about a minute or two of close combat, he slowly overpowered me, as I felt the last bit of heat and energy of my lightsaber, it was extinguished and thrown a few meters away. Anakin pointed the tip of his weapon to me, forcing me to the ground, with no escape. Or so he thought.

I focused on his Force signature, sensing every move he planned to make, and every one he tried to avoid. Obi-Wan was still looking over us, somewhat disappointed that his padawan took the same course of action as usual, not giving me a fighting chance.

I push Anakin back slightly and freeze him in place, throwing his lightsaber out of his hand while retrieving my own, then swing myself in a flip over his head, letting him go.

I hurry and retrieve my partner's weapon. It's a bit heavier than mine, but I ignite it and wrap my arms around his shoulders, trapping him with two blades at his neck.

Slow applause grows behind me, that of Obi-Wan being impressed by my skills. "Congratulations, you've outsmarted Anakin." He said it like it was something that barely ever happens, to my satisfaction.

"To be fair, it isn't difficult to outsmart someone who only thinks with his lightsaber," I remark.

I glance at the teenager who turns around at my insult. "Hey!" Anakin whines as Master Kenobi sighs.

He already knows this eternal bickering will be exhausting in the midst of our training.


We took a short lunch break before continuing our training. The remainder of the day was light, reciting knowledge about the order and using less demanding force abilities. Our training ended around the same time as yesterday, by the request of our teacher.

I was curious about the current living arrangements, which I hoped would be changed, so I spoke up as we walked down the temple halls. "Master Kenobi, I heard you first suggested that Anakin was to stay with me during our training, will that be continuing?"

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