"--the beginning before the beginning,"

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"i hate you, i hate this project, i hate school, i hate my life. i'd rather kiss a seal," the girl groaned.

"you know what, she-devil? i didn't ask to do this play with you, either. but if we both could just get this over with, things would go a lot smoother," the boy said.

she rolled her eyes, "i'm not kissing you, so i guess we'll both fail."

"and you say i'm the fuckboy. you're a fucking fuckgirl," the boy spat.

"i can't believe girls drool over you. you're a douche-bag, what do girls, even a few guys, see in you?" she questioned.

he smirked, "that's the thing, i'm only a jerk to you. don't you feel special, sweetheart?"

she chuckled, "you're a dick."

he smiled, "tell me something i don't know."

"i hope a squirrel attacks your fucking face." she spat.

"is this the part where we kiss?" he asked, biting his lip.

"get out,"

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