"--i always look forward to talking to you,"

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"you can't tell her a single thing, you toenail."

"why not?"

"because fuck you, that's why."

"i mean..."


"i'm kidding, i'm kidding."

"i hope you choke,"

my aunt ended her so interesting conversation with luke, and i ran back to my room so i didn't get caught. god, all i wanted was some cereal, and again, i get luke and paisley thrown in my face. let me tell you, that does not taste like fruit loops. it tastes like anger, resentment, and just a dash of cinnamon.

still, i don't know what went on between the two, but i know they love to boast about it. to each other, at least. holding it over each other's heads, and for why? i don't know. i don't even know why paisley won't tell me. it wouldn't change my image of her really. except for the fact she probably blew a teenager. and that teenager being my arch nemesis. but really, i've totally snapped out of lukeville. sound familiar? i know, but we haven't talked in what feels like years, and out here in the middle of nowhere, i don't get daily luke hemmings updates.

knock, knock, knock. three times. on my door. ah yes, my aunt was definitely in the illuminati. it all made sense now. "yes, queen paisley?"

she threw my door open, foaming at the mouth. not really, but it would've added some umph to her seething rage. "why the hell were you listening to my conversation?"

"what? i-"

"harlene quinzel gage, don't. don't lie to me, it won't work out in your favor." she half-yelled, stomping her foot.

"woah, calm the fuck down. what is wrong?" i questioned, throwing the book i was reading to the side.

"what's wrong is you keep invading my privacy, harley. i'm so tempted to send you back to your mom."

"paisley, seriously? i went down to get cereal, it wasn't my fault your mouth is the size of texas and you had your phone on speaker. i don't know why you're so jumpy about your conversations with rat number one, but i can assure you i don't care. i'm just trying to get through the summer, okay? leave me out of your ex lover rage." i argued, slamming my door shut. was it so hard to leave me out of anything?

"if luke calls you, don't answer him. if you answer, you can go home." she yelled.

"got it," i smirked and listened for her footsteps down the corridor. after that, i opened my window, and jumped down into the lawn chair i placed beneath it. a girl's gotta live.

i snuck my way over to luke's, wanting to punch myself more than once, but i needed to get any information i could. why did paisley care so much if i knew what went on between them? was it that bad? did she think i wanted him? what was it?

i knocked on his door lightly, watching all my surroundings cautiously.

"what do y- harley?" ashton asked. of course. of motherfucking course.

"is luke around?" i sighed, rolling my eyes.

ashton leaned up against the door frame, crossing his arms. "just what do you want to do with luke?"

"i need to talk to him, ashton. that's it, nothing else." i explained, still looking around every two seconds.

"harley, sweetie, luke doesn't wanna talk to you, okay? leave him alone."

i shook my head, quickly pushing past the boy and into the house. "you, me, talk, now." i pointed to luke, and he gave me a glare the i couldn't fully read. he might've been scared, maybe confused. who knew.

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