"--it's you,"

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i fluttered my eyes open, immediately yawning and stretching my arms out as my vision became clearer and i finally saw my mom's figure. "i was just checking on you. i came in to put your clothes away, and you started breathing really heavily. bad dream?" she asked, and i just shook my head.

"i don't even remember my dream." i said. "what time is it?"

"half past twelve, why?"

"what? fucking hell, i missed my alarm." i groaned, getting out of bed, and rushing over to my desk. i was supposed to be up by eleven to meet luke at twelve. i'm not good at this planned out shit.

"where are you going?" mom asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"just to go take some books back to the library, if i don't get them back i'll owe more on them than i'm worth." i explained, pointing over to books i legitimately had because i was legitimately meeting luke at the library.

"oh, okay. you better back within an hour or-"

"i know, mom. i got it." i retorted, opening my tube of my mascara. she rolled her eyes before picking her laundry basket up and walking out. it was nice having fake-strict parents. but i mean, if she hadn't let me leave, i wouldn't have been exactly complaining.

i rushed the rest of my makeup on, and put on some denim shorts with a cut up white t-shirt. i grabbed a pair of ankle boots and slipped them on. i never really cared for my hair, it was best left messy.

i hurried out of the house, sighing as i had to walk to the library in the heat. everyone i knew was all about summer, but i despised summer honestly. winter was my shit. so cold, like my heart.

after about twelve minutes of walking and literally sweating my nonexistent ass off, i got to the library. i walked in, looking around for luke. finally, i spotted him near the manga section. and i'm the nerd? mhm. right. sounds fishy, but.

"lucas," i called out in a loud whisper.

"harl- whoa," he cut himself off, looking me up and down. "your shirt is kind of, um, soaked. from sweat, i'm guessing. uh, i'll keep my eyes up here." he said, looking up at the ceiling.

before i went into actual flames, i thought for a second. i'm supposed to make him weak, i'm supposed to make him fall in love with me. and then crush him like a bug. "hey, no, it's okay. it's not like you're gonna see anything. i wear these things called bras, they kinda cover everything i've got."

luke chuckled, walking closer to me and leaning his head back down. "harley, honey. listen carefully, you could wear eighteen bras and not have a completely soaked shirt, but the thoughts that run in my mind would still continue to get dirtier and dirtier."

don't hit him, don't hit him, don't motherfucking hit him.

hit that blush off your face, you dumb eggplant ass bitch.

all i could do was think and not say anything. part of me wanted to gut luke, part of me wanted to faint.

i then knew what i had to do. i had to be luke.

i inched my way closer to him, a small smile on my face and i bit my bottom lip. "well, luke. maybe one day you'll have to explain these thoughts to me. sound like a plan?" i asked, my voice quiet and soft.

and for once, luke had not one single thing to say. he just stood there, and i felt motherfucking accomplished. i felt like i could fly to mars. it was amazing.

"anyways, we need to talk, wanna sit down?" i asked, pointing toward a table.

"yeah, i could sit." he said, trying to rush his way over to a table, tripping over his own foot and playing it off like he didn't do it. if i'd known i could've made luke look like an idiot just by talking nicely, i would've dome that a long time ago.

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