"--you're so much more,"

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i fumbled down the hard tiled stairs, groaning, rubbing my head, feeling a bump. i rolled my eyes, trying to find my books, but refusing to open my eyes. at least half of the school was in class, hopefully no one saw me trip over nothing.

"harley, you okay?" a familiar voice spoke from in front of me.

i opened my eyes, finding a large blond boy kneeling in front of me. puke hemmings, oh joy. "i'm just dandy," i replied, sarcastically, rushing to get my books.

"here, let me help," he said, helping me up, and handing me all my books. "there."

"thanks, i guess?" i said, confusedly.

"despite your beliefs, i am nice. sometimes." he said, smiling softly.

"i never said you weren't nice, luke. obviously you're human, you're just usually a dick to me. it's like you and the guys' thing. i guess because i'm not incredibly popular, or a hot girl in pre-model stage, i'm just harley. the girl with the name of that villian, who dresses like she just came out of a smashing pumpkins concert. so, y'know," i said, sighing.

"that's not really what you think, is it? that you're 'just harley'?" he asked, a sound in his voice that was unknown to me.

"i just, i don't stand out. other than the fact my name is harley quinn, around here i'm just like paint on the wall. i just blend in with the crowd. i'm not like paige myers or aislin elis. i don't matter around here. i'm not model material, so no one really acknowledges my existence. and you and the guys only acknowledge it enough to pick on me. but honestly i could not give a single fuck. it's just high school, and-"

"well, i mean, you only acknowledge our existence to pick on us too, so," he said, rolling his eyes.

"that is such a fucking invalid statement, luke! i have no other choice than to acknowledge them. everyday, every single day here i hear ashton's name, michael's name, calum's name, your name. what's going on with five seconds of summer, who you all's latest fucks were, all your great achievements, all your screw ups, everything. how often do you hear about me, huh? close to never, right? my existence revolves around you specifically, and not even by choice." i said.

"i'd rather hear about you than what i do. and don't talk about yourself like that, harley. 'not model material', 'just harley'. you're so much more than ‘just harley...’" he trailed off, and sighed. "i mean, whatever. never mind."

"don't fucking start, luke. don't you dare make me feel special. i'm not your game, rat. i know who you are, hemmings, and if you know what's good for you, you'll learn who i am. don't fuck with me. this conversation is over," i said, tromping off, only to feel luke's hand pulling on my wrist.

"no it's not. we're gonna start rehearsing together again, okay?"

i pulled my wrist out of his hand. "no we're not. leave me alone, luke."

"harlene quinn gage, we are rehearsing together again, here, at school, whether you like it or not, and that's final," he said, stomping his foot.

"fuck off," i said, yanking my hand out of his grasp, walking off successfully.

i hated this school. i hated it's depressing paint. i hated the way people treated other people. i hated being here. i hated everyone that went there. hate. that's all i did was hate. school was like this thing that made me this pessimistic, heinous bitch. though i loved it, for once i just wanted to be happy. to look inside my locker with a real, genuine smile on my face. but this school was filled with stupid people, and stupid things.

getting lost in my thoughts and not paying attention, i ran into someone. "i am so sorry."

"watch where you're going, idiot." the tall, muscular boy yelled, bringing the hallway's attention to me.

"i- i really didn't mean to. you see, i just wasn't paying attention, and i didn't see you, and-"

the boy walked over to me, pressing his thumb against my bottom lip. "other than spewing words no one cares about, what else can that pretty mouth do?" he asked, and everyone in the hall began to laugh to themselves. how was this funny? what a bunch of ignorant fucks. i wanted to say something, but it was like i physically couldn't do it. i couldn't move. i was like, paralyzed.

"chris, leave her alone," luke's voice yelled.

"oh, is she your piece of ass? my bad, bud. she's all yours," the boy said, throwing his hands in the air.

"no, she's not. but you shouldn't talk to her like that. or any girl. no wonder girlss fear guys, so much. you're just a great example." luke said, grabbing my hand, and walking us away.

"what, what was that?" i asked, shocked.

"are you okay?" he asked, changing the subject.

i laughed. "are you?"


"why'd you do that? i'm surprised you didn't just laugh with the rest of them."

"he shouldn't have done that to you, it was gross and uncalled for." he said, shaking his head.

"thank you, luke," i replied, trying not to hurl in my mouth. i never thought i'd ever have to utter those words in my life.

"sorry, i couldn't hear you, what was that?" he asked, smirking.

"oh, quit, fuckface. i said it once, don't make me say it again." i said, annoyed.

"don't thank me, though. it was just common decency, which obviously most of this school has none." he said, honestly. i think.

i tucked my hair behind my ear, rolling my eyes. "yeah, no kidding."

"so, wanna hangout sometime?"

"oh, ha ha, very funny. go be a dickwad somewhere else, luke. i'm not falling for your games, sorry to disappointe." i said.

he shrugged, laughing sadly "yeah, whatever. see you around, quinn."

"hopefully not," i said, walking off.

luke was a boy who could get any girl he wanted, so don't you dare try to convince me i was what he was looking for. all i'd be for him was a project. a kissing project. where he'd pretend he'd like me, do some romantics with me, then break me down and make it a joke to everyone. i didn't want to be his kissing project. and as far as i was concerned, i'd never be. never ever. and that was that.


lol remember me

yeah didn't think so.

sorry for being a shit writer, i love you all, and thank you for almost 5k+. i rlly don't deserve it,,

anyways, vote please. it'll make me smile and feel like you still like me.

hope you like this chapter, much more to come  !!

ilyasm xx  

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