"--but what would you be doing if i was there? ;-)"

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"jesus fucking christ, harley. of course he was joking. luke. we're talking about luke. the hemmings kind," blair huffed angrily, hitting her fist against the desk. "he's a cheap trick, you know that."

"cheap trick...? what, is this ninteen eightyfour?" i chuckled, shaking my head.

"oh, shut up. but seriously, harley... stay away from luke. he's dangerous. he'll make you fall in love, fuck you, then break your heart. he's a toxin. stay away." she warned, and i sighed in return.

"just because he did that to you, doesn't mean he'll do it to me. plus, i'm strong. i wouldn't fall in love with him if it meant i'd die." i laughed, rubbing my eye as i grabbed my phone, texting luke out of boredom.

"whatever, quinn. i've gotta go." she sighed, rolling her eyes, hanging up the skype call.

i raised a brow at my laptop before closing it and laying it on my nightstand. my phone lit up, luke's name coming across the screen. i instantly unlocked my phone, reading his message.

rat boy:
are you seriously texting me? what the fuck who paid you lol
recieved | 7:08pm

no one??
sent | 7:09pm

rat boy:
oh. well hey
recieved | 7:14pm

hello rat
sent | 7:16pm

rat boy:
whatcha doin
recieved | 7:17pm

eating cereal
sent | 7:17pm

rat boy
but what would you be doing if i was there? ;-)
recieved | 7:19

eating my cereal...?
sent | 7:20

luke hemmings. i hated his fucking guts, i wanted to see him crash and burn, but he was also kind of my friend. i cared about him, occasionally i got to see parts of luke no one else did. it was kind of weird. i guess i had a hatelove relationship with him, that mostly consisted of hate.

rat boy:
can i like, come over please
received | 7:32pm

yeah sure i guess, everything ok?
sent | 7:33pm

i never got a reply, but about 45 minutes later, my tired body was awoken by a loud pounding on my door. i looked through the peep hole, seeing luke with a small smirk on his face.

i opened the door, smiling awkwardly. he eyed me up and down, my face began to blush as i stepped aside to let him in.

"hey, virgin mary." he smirked, stepping in.

"excuse me?" i questioned, raising a brow.

"are you not a virgin?" he asked, smiling sheepishly, running his finger along my neck.

"if you wanna be an asshole, the door is literally a foot from you," i sighed, pointing to back outside. he swiped his finger away, looking down at the floor, embarrassed almost.

"you're right, i'm sorry. i should just go, this was stupid. i'm stupid. i'll go." he frowned, sounding genuinely upset with himself. this luke, was he real? it was like - he was changing. was that even possible?

i quickly shut the door as he tried to leave, tugging on his jacket sleeve. "luke, it's okay. i know you were only joking."

he turned to me, rubbing his face out of frustration. "yeah, but you get enough of that kind of shit at school, i shouldn't do it to you, in your home, just because i can."

i didn't think twice about my next move, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him tightly. "i know you don't do it on purpose, well, sometimes. it's just your personality, luke. i get it. please don't be so down on yourself."

"why shouldn't i? that's what i'm good at, because god knows i'm fucking shit at everything else," he swore, biting his lip as he walked toward the couch.
i looked up at him confusedly, following him. "what do you mean?"

"nothing. forget it. please." he begged, sitting on the couch.

"okay," i said softly, sitting next to him. "so, what'd you wanna come over for?"

"you." he answered without hesitation.

"me...?" i asked, stuck in confusion once again.

"sometimes you just need someone. someone to be around that doesn't make you feel like an utter waste, and you can just, be yourself around. you're that person for me, oddly enough." he replied, lying his head on my shoulder softly, smiling widely up at me, poking my cheek.

and in that moment, i finally understood what mr. el meant by 'don't let it mean anything', because fuck - he hadn't even kissed me yet, and i was already falling for him.



im actually so happy with this update i hope you guys are too

this is my favorite fanfic to write and im so sorry im not that active anymore u guys can hate me i understand

pls vote, comment, and FOLLOW me if u haven't i am close 2 600 PLS GUYS

ily pce out

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