"--alright, princess,"

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home. i went home, in a gloomy, thick depression. in confusion, in hurt, in happiness, in disgust. i'll give you an explanation for each of those.

gloomy, thick, depression; because my parents now believed that i spent the last few weeks with my mouth on luke the whole time i'd been here. take that how you will. and when my dad confronted puke, he didn't deny it. he just laughed and nodded, how fucking dare him? he would be lucky to be hugged by me, let alone anything else.

confusion; i still had no clue what happened that last night. why i let him so close, why i ever stopped the kissing project. so much..

hurt; see gloomy, thick, depression.

happiness; i finally snapped back out from lukeville. for good. except, he wasn't to know that. if he wanted to go with the lie that him and i were something at all, i'd give him what he wanted. and lord knows he'd take anything where he could get it.

disgust; because for a moment in time, i felt like i had a thing for luke. yeah, i know, i threw up too.

on the ride home, all i did was plot how to ruin luke in a praiseful way. did i ask him out? did i make him ask me out? could i actually pull this off?

"mom, i swear-"

"i don't care. i really don't. i wouldn't even be mad if you just admitted what happened. you're a growing girl, things happen, but instead you continue a lie and act innocent." my mom sighed, my dad shaking his head. it was time to just give up and go to my room, where'd i probably never be allowed to come out of.

i checked my phone, pulling up my facebook, and instantly regretting it. drama. drama that imvolved the name harley quinn gage.

'can you believe harley out of all girls got laid by luke?', 'i know right, what a fucking lucky loser.', 'nothing actually probably happened, she probably cried wolf and it's now a spread rumor so people acknowledge her existence.'

nothing did happen, and it was never supposed to be aired around like that. god, word travels fast. but did i care? not really. it felt good to be talked about, at least i impacted someone's life.

i grabbed my phone, dialing blair's number and hitting call. as soon as she picked up, i smiled widely down at the floor. "hey, blair. can you talk?"

"sorry, i don't talk to people who fuck my exes," she spat, and i a bit taken aback by her words.

"um, what?" i asked with strong confusion.

"of course you'd act clueless. why would i expect any different? you know, you could at least be honest,"

"but nothing happened between us. you know me better than that, blair. i was gonna ruin his sorry ass in light of you, remember? that's actually what i called for." i explained in hopes the poor girl would get her head out of her ass.

"ash says different, harley. and he was there, so." she retorted, and i felt my throat close up slowly.

"i was there too, you know? i'm not your ex's best friend, looking to get your best friend in trouble, you know? or maybe i've put too much faith in a person who would take an irrelevant person's side over their friend's. i seem to be doing that a lot lately. no matter how hard i try just be a good person, and make some sort of amends with people, it just gets twisted. well, congrats, blair. this just proves you're everything you say you're not. good luck finding someone else to buy you ben and jerry's at three in the morning when you're high off your ass. bye, hun." i fumed, hanging up my phone and throwing it down on the bed.

i didn't care who thought i fucked who, sure, i'll be the number one hoe. but losing people left and right over luke? and his stupid tricks? ugly. it was time to ruin this rat. me, the metaphorical mouse trap, luke, the rat, that i would soon capture and kill.
hey, luke. are you coming back home this week/weekend?
sent | 2:33pm

rat boy:
idk, i could always make arrangements if needed :-)
received | 2:57pm

then don't say a thing, do a thing!! ya girl wants to hang asap
sent | 2:59pm

rat boy:
alright princess. i'll be there tomorrow
received | 3:02pm

rad :) see you then babe
sent | 3:03pm

harley quinzel gage,
a daughter, a friend, a bitch, a trashcan, a hero, and a legend who platonically killed boys left and right.

put it on my grave.



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