"--i'm going home, and you can go to hell,"

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"luke!" i yelled, trying to get his attention in the hall. he continued to ignore me, making sure to never look in my direction.

i got fed up, walking up to him and the boys, clenching my fists out of frustration. "luke, aren't we supposed to hangout later? i was just trying to m-"

"no, harley. we're not hanging out." he retorted bitterly, still refusing to look at me.

"why not?" i asked, curiously.

luke shook his, slamming his locker. "i'm not your fucking friend, harley. do not associate yourself with me."

"run along, babe." calum laughed, shooing me away.

"you're such a fucking fake, luke. you're messing with the wrong girl," i shouted, before turning on my heel and stomping off.

i could here luke chuckle with the rest of the boys. "what's that supposed to mean?"

"it means karma is gonna kick you in your fucking ass, hemmings," i yelled, not caring in the least bit who heard at this point.


i was never fucking falling for luke. what a fucking crock. i was slightly infatuated with a part of luke i'd never seen. that's the thing about all these teenage romances, it's bullshit. you don't fall for someone in a day, they don't kiss you underneath the moonlight on a dead end street. it's not possible. i don't love luke, i'm not in love with luke, i'll never love nor be in love with luke, i hate luke.

i hate luke. they say hate is a strong word, yet, right now, it's not even close to fucking strong enough.

he can't just do that. he can't make me sympathize for him, and then throw it back in my face. i didn't do shit to that oversized rat.

ruin him. ruin him. i have to fucking ruin him. i'm tired of him making my existence a joke. i'm not a toy, he doesn't wanna play with me.

hearing the bell ring, i bolted for the door. screw that fucking play, screw mr. el , screw that whole fucking school.

i looked down to my phone, dialing blair's numbers as fast as humanly possible.

"what do you want, harley?" blair griped, and i couldn't help but to feel her roll her eyes through the phone.

"you were right. luke is nothing but a manipulative asshole. i'm gonna get him back, though. for you, and for me. consider him ruined, blair. he's gonna regret ever fucking with you, and especially me."

she paused. "...what are you gonna do?"

"i don't know yet. but i'm gonna ruin that fucking naked mole rat, i swear," i breathed out, feeling a tap on my shoulder. i looked behind me, finding luke with a small smile on his face, with no other boys around. "i gotta go, b. i'll talk to you soon. bye." i hung up the phone, turning to face the boy.

"so, where are we going?"

"what do you mean 'where are we going'? i'm going home, and you can go to hell." i said, smiling widely, walking toward my car.

"listen, harley, i know i was a douche earlier but i have an image, we can't hang out publicly... but we can hang out." luke replied, trying to sound pitiful.

"oh, my bad. i would not wanna ruin your reputation, lucas. so, i'll be on my way, and you can go hang out with people you can be seen with," i said, most of it sarcastically.

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