"--stranger things have happened,"

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days passed by, texts unread, calls dismissed. this little blonde shit didn't think i was capable of not dealing with him, and that was far from the truth. school called the stupid play off because two of the actors moved, one had a flu from the depths of hell, and another expelled. it was like god answered the prayers that i didn't even make. it was now summer, and i didn't have to see luke at all, though i missed him. i didn't have anyone to insult and that was incredibly hard for me. as for the "kissing project", i realized how stupid it was and gave up on it.

somewhere along the line though, blaire moved back. barely ever hanging out with me, but hanging out with someone. all my calculations turned to five seconds of fucking toothpics, but, i didn't bother asking or trying to find out. i didn't really care.

"harley," my mother sighed, snapping her fingers in front of my face. "harley, sweetie, pay attention".

"yeah, mom. what?" i asked coming back to reality slowly.

she sighed again, rubbing her temples out of frustration. "you need to start packing your things. you're going to your aunt's for the summer, remember?"

"and i told you i'm not going, remember?" i asked sarcastically.

"harlene quinzel gage, she's on her to pick you up right now, you're going back with her. even if i have to stick you in a suitcase myself and throw you in the trunk." she retorted.

i sighed, "fine."

i dragged my half dead body upstairs, pulling out two suitcases. i then began sloppily shoving clothing and shoes in one, makeup, hairbrushes, and whatnot in the other. yes, i started caking my face since i last hungout with luke. mascara and lipgloss wasn't cutting it for me anymore. judge me.

"okay, mom. my bags are packed. i'm ready to move to camp hell for the summer now." i huffed, yelling over the banister.

"camp hell, eh? haven't heard that one yet. nice going, leelee." my aunt paisley's voice echoed and i felt the need to punch myself in the face twice.

i ran downstairs, smiling with embarrassment written all over me. "hi, paisley. i'm sorry for that. i'm just really not excited to be leaving, but also excited to be getting away at the same time?"

"i get you, sweets. trust me. i was a teenager too, like, five years ago. but we gotta bounce, i got a hot date waiting on me to get home. named rascal. it's my dog,"

i laughed, raising an eyebrow. "maybe the summer with you won't be so bad,"

"stranger things have happened. now seriously, leelee. we gotta go." she insisted.

"you just drove two hours to get here, aren't you a bit sick of driving?"

"yeah, that's why you're driving!"


"love you, may. now we gotta go." aunt paisley said, dragging me out of the door by my sleeve.

i think throughout the whole car ride, paisley had a fun time trying to figure out if i was excited to go, or if i would rather be ran over by a small semi. i'd miss home like crazy, but a whole summer with no luke, or any of his possy? it had to be a dream, right? me, the queen kitten, free of all the gross rats. hallelujah.

as we pulled into paisley's driveway, i spotted someone or something next door i didn't wanna see, and maybe if i closed my eyes, it would go away. it didn't. "what's wrong?" paisley asked curiously as she began to unbuckle and open her door.

i smiled the fakest smile i ever had, "yeah, no. i'm fine. just... do you know that guy over there, next door?"

"not really. him and his friends come down here a lot, and do little concerts some weekends, and have parties, and that kinda stuff. i think it's his parents' home away from home or something, but they don't use it very often, so they let them? i don't know exactly, i don't congregate with high schoolers too often,"

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